Chapter 29

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Aceso arrived back in the village to find it in complete peace. 

"Aceso?" a voice asked. She turned around to see Choji, he was munching away on chips. Next to him was Ino. "Weren't you off to Hosu to see your cousins?"

"Yeah," Aceso answered. "Something didn't feel right."

"Well, what's wrong?" Choji asked. "Chips to help clear your mind?" He held out the bag.

" I just saw a bad omen on my way to the Hosu, so I came back to the Leaf," Aceso answered. "I had Pepper deliver the medical supplies Gaara had requested."

"You probably just left the oven on," Choji laughed. 

"Yeah," Aceso scratched the back of her head. Suddenly explosion ruptured through the village.

"What was that?" Ino asked. They looked at smoke rising up behind the building in front of them. A giant centipede appeared from out of the smoke. "This is bad. I'll go notify Intel."

"I'll get to Pa," Choji said.

"If you see any injured try getting them to the hospital," Aceso instructed. Choji nodded; he ran off as Aceso started to go toward the hospital. She started to help evacuate everyone to safety as she made her way back to the hospital. She came across a centipede coming down at a mother and a young boy, the mother turned around trying to protect her son. Aceso held up her fingers as she ran towards the centipede, she jumped up, the ropes wrapped all around its body, Aceso held up another finger, and blades popped out; with another finger, the centipede was chopped into bits.

"You are going to be ok," Aceso said kneeling beside the two. "Get to safety as fast as possible."

"Doctor Mastuba," the woman breathed. Aceso blinked, it was Ms. Loring, she looked down to see that Zero was a young sapling and walking.

"Ms. Loring," Aceso breathed. "Zero, you two are safe now. Head to evacuation as fast as possible, grab any village along the way." Aceso pulled out a heart made out of the grass. "Here." Zero took it carefully, he wiped his tears. 

"Be careful," Ms. Loring wished. She picked up Zero and rushed off to evacuation trying to avoid danger. Aceso headed off towards the hospital. Along the way, she had to protect people from falling debris and rescue some. She got to the hospital just as Sakura and Choji arrived.

"Choji?" Aceso breathed.

"I brought some of my food pills," Choji said holding up a bag.

"Great, thank you," Sakura said. They ran inside to find many injured shinobi, injured villagers, children, and babies crying. "There's so many."

"My stomach," someone groaned.

"My little girl," another cried.

"What's going on here?" Sakura asked as Aceso looked around the room. 

"Oh, Doctor Mastuba," Kito greeted, he got up walking over to her. "You are just in time. You're going to have to take command."

"Of course," Aceso nodded. "Status?"

"Many wounded, the medical ninja are simply overwhelmed," Kito answered. "We really need someone to take charge and give orders. I am happy you showed up."

"Wait here," Choji said as people groaned in pain. "Take this, and do your best." He held out a pill.

"Those are for the wounded," Aceso said as Sakura took the bag. "Everyone, if you can walk, then, please go to the evacuation shelter. We're expecting more wounded at any moment. Those who are critical we'll designate with the color red. Yellow id they can wait, green for minor injuries. Go and tie colored ribbon on the patients, and separate them by group."

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