Chapter 23

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The Tailed Beast started to rise to the surface, the seal was coming close to success.

"Steady now," Shizune ordered. "The seal is almost complete."

 "The Three-Tails should be getting tired soon," Aceso said looking down, it kept trying to escape.

"Then we'll finish it," Shizune said. Suddenly water shot up in the middle of the barrier. "What's happening? No, it's impossible. Where is this sudden surge of strength coming from?"

"I don't know how, but its chakra level has definitely increased," Katsuyu answered. The tailed beast surfaced, easily breaking the seal.

"No, the seal!" Aceso exclaimed as water splashed at all of them, the Three-Tails dove back into the water. All of them got shoved underwater, all let out cries of help. In the end, Naruto was able to help defeat the Three-Tails with help from Gamatatsu and Gamachiki. It was now sunset, everyone regrouped back at the cabin, with Yukimaru his chakra system has been severely damaged. Aceso helped heal the boy with Shizune, Hinata was in the room to helo as everyone else waited outside the room. Hinata walked over, she knelt down and placed a wet cloth on the boy's head. 

"It's worse than I thought," Hinata said as she used the Byakugan. "His chakra network--"

"Yes, it's suffered a lot of damage," Aceso said. "Even with the proper treatment, he will never get back to the way he was before. The strain was too much on his body. The effort of restraining the Three-Tails took an enormous toll on him."

"You think that Jutsu might have shortened his life?" Kakashi asked. 

"Yes," Shizune answered. "We won't know for sure until we conduct a full examination. Nevertheless, I'm fairly certain Yukimary's powers will never be the same."

"This boy was the only hope we had of handling the Three-Tails," Yamato said.

"Maybe it's best this way, for his sake," Kakashi said. 

"Let the boy rest in peace," Aceso said. "We'll take turns checking on him."

"Right," They agreed. They all got up and left the room.

"Well sister, how is he?" Naruto asked as soon as they closed the door. 

"He will live," Aceso answered with a smile. "At the moment he's sleeping. You may go in, but please do not wake him."

"You got it," Naruto said. 

"Red Rose," Lee said waving her over. 

"Don't be too loud," Aceso told Naruto and Sakura as they went into the room. Aceso went over and sat next to Lee, he was with Tenten, Kiba, and Akamaru.

"Well?" Kiba asked.

"The boy is going to survive," Aceso answered. "His chakra system has been severely damaged, it's beyond my powers to return it back to normal."

"That's a bummer," Kiba said. "He was able to control the Tailed-Beast right?"

"Yes," Aceso nodded. "Though I don't think the boy cares about losing his powers."

"How could you think such a thing?" Lee said. "He should feel blessed to have powers like that."

"The only thing the kid really cares about is having a place to call home, a place to return to," Aceso informed. "Not everyone is set on the ninja way."

"Yeah, Lee," Tenten whacked him playfully.

"The boy's powers take an awful toll on his body, if he went on any further, the boy could have died," Aceso said.

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