Chapter 45

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The First and Fourth companies ran beside each other for a bit. Darui ran up to Gaara; they both looked at each other. 

"First Company! Come on! You're with me!" Darui ordered. The two groups split up, the first company went to the shoreline. They stood on each layer of the ground, staring at the ocean. Soon thousands of white Zetsu appeared out of the water. Aceso stood at the front with Darui.

"They're coming," Darui noted. "Give the signal to prepare for battle."

"Right," Aceso nodded. She held up her fist, giving the signal. 

"Yes, sir!" another leaf ninja nodded. Aceso's gasped softly at the reanimated shinobi...Kakuzu...Asuma-sensei...Dan...Neji's father Hizashi...This Jutsu is completely unforgivable. A unit of reanimated ninja...suspicions are true so far. Inoichi was relaying information to them from Headquarters. 

"Ready Doctor Matsuba?" Darui asked.

"Yes, you?" Aceso responded. Darui nodded. 

"It's dull," Darui admitted. "But I guess I'll have to show them why I'm the one that's been assigned to guard the coastline. I'll launch the opening shot now, then move in." Everyone got their weapons ready. "Lightning Style. Black Panther. " Black Lighting shot forward in panther form, it landed in the water right before many Zetsu, electrocuting them. 

"Woah," Aceso breathed.

"I'm sorry about all that," Darui apologized as lightning sparked all around him, his lighting striking more of the White Zetsu.

"Above us!" a stone ninja shouted. 

 The enemy jumped over the front line Zetsu that was getting electrocuted. 

"I'm not gonna let you get by!" Tenten declared. She threw up scrolls, multiple kunai flew out. Weapons flew up rapidly at the Zetsu, Aceso used her ropes as harshly as she could, trapping the Zetsu in a group, and slicing them in half. 

"Keep attacking! Don't let up!" a leaf ninja shouted. More kept coming. 

"Hold 'em! Don't let them break through the barricade! Let's go!" a leaf shinobi shouted. Then it finally happened, the enemy made landfall, and everything was getting more hectic; they all fought heavily. some became more hand to hand. 

"Duck!" someone shouted. Aceso dropped to her knees while slicing up more Zetsu, a shield flew over her head. 

"Nico!' Aceso gasped looking back at him. She looked down to see a Zetsu right before her. "Thank you." Her eyes glowed green, and green kunai appeared behind Nico, ripping apart a couple of Zetsu.

"Right back at ya," Nico nodded as his shield came back to him. They continued to fight rapidly. Aceso's ears rang with the sounds of metal clinging, battles cries, explosions, and cries of the wounded. She had to stop every few seconds, grab an injured, and put them off to the side, where the enemy would not find them. On the spot, the medical ninja would appear and carry them off to the medical unit, many of the medical ninjas in all the divisions did that. All for the ones too far from the base had to create a separate section, and barricade the wounded and medical ninja from the fighting. As they continued fighting, Aceso glanced over at the water, in the area, Darui was located. 

"No way," Aceso breathed. It was a form of the Nine-Tails, but it wasn't Naruto. She was up on one of the ledges, she a tail coming towards them, it made many shinobi fall over. Choza stopped it. 

"What? What's that? Is he a Jinchuriki?" Choza asked.

"Thanks, I sure do power you one," a lightning shinobi said. "But still just what is that thing?!

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