Chapter 31

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Everyone remained where they were sitting, waiting for the next move. Gai sat back down, his daughter still in his arms. Lee was doing push-ups underneath him were tears of sorrow. Suddenly in the middle of the village, a giant creature appeared with a  purple mouth, it opened its mouth up wide. It shot out greenish-bluish-like needles all over the place. 

****Up in the afterlife****

Aceso had just finished telling her parents everything and Dad told her everything about the clan. He was the last of his clan, till she came along. 

"So, your last name is now Matsuba-Hatake?" Dad asked.

"I probably should have just changed it fully to Hatake," Aceso said. "It would have made Dad happy."

"From what you told us, the last name wasn't going to change how much he loved you," Mom said. "Pretty soon, you'll be seeing him,"

"He perished too?" Aceso asked in surprise.

"You both did," Dad corrected. 

"At least Gai-sensei is alive," Aceso smiled. "I would like to see him."

"That's the most painful part about death," Mom said. "You can see the people you love, but you can't really talk to them like you want to. How much I would have given to be with you after a nightmare, or the day you became a doctor."

"Gai-sensei was pretty good at that," Aceso said. "Both of them did their best to be there for the big things."

"He and Kakashi did a fine job looking after you," Mom said. Suddenly a green light appeared through the ceiling hitting Aceso, it surrounded her. 

"Take your time," Dad said. "I believe you are being brought back to life."

"That's impossible," Aceso denied.

"Take your time," Mom repeated. "I don't want to see you here again for a long time." They both pulled her into a hug.

The next thing Aceso knew, she was in pitch blackness. Her eyes started to flutter open slowly, she could see someone staring down at her. Once they fully opened she saw that it was Gai-sensei.

"Dad?" Aceso asked softly. "What's going on?" Instead of answering Gai started crying as he sat Aceso up, pulling her into a hug, the tightest hug she has ever had.

"I thought I lost you," Gai cried. He pushed her back, and stared at her. "How are you feeling?"

"My head kind of hurts," Aceso answered, rubbing it. "What's going on?"

"Doesn't matter," Gai sniffed, he pulled her into another hug. She was still in a bit of a daze, she felt someone touch her hand. She looked over Gai's shoulder to see Tenten.

"It looks like Pain is using some kind of Jutsu to revive everyone," Tenten informed. "Naruto has defeated Pain."

"That's good," Aceso smiled. "Wait, Naruto?"

"Yeah, he came back," Sakura answered. Aceso looked over to see Sakura next to Tenten. Gai then stood up and put Aceso on her feet.

"Are you feeling stable?" Gai asked.

"I think so," Aceso answered. He stepped back and let go of her. She remained stable. She turned around to just find her being crushed into another hug. 

This one was tighter than the last one.

"Squeeze her any tighter and you are going to kill her," Neji said. Aceso looked over to see Neji trying to fight off a smile forming on his face. 

" A thousand apologies," Lee said. Aceso's eyes went wide, his voice echoed through her head. She could feel his tears running down her face. He started to speak, so only she could hear it. "When I said you are someone, I don't want to live without, I meant it."

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