Chapter 22

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The process for capturing the Three-Tails was going quite smoothly. Tenten and Lee both stayed alert for when the enemy would return.

" All right," Shizune nodded.

"The Three-Tails is completely ensnared within the seal," Aceso reported. 

"Perfect," Shizune said. "Now, we'll just have to narrow the sphere of the Four-Seal Barrier until the Three-Tails is trapped for good.

"Right," they all said. 

"Tenten," Lee breathed.

"I know," Tenten said, some shuriken flew over, Tenten easily blocked it.

"Who is there?" Lee demanded. Out of the smoke, Guren appeared in front of the two. 

 " A sealing this precious and they got children watching it?" Guren asked. "You're kidding me." She raised her arm, her crystal blade appeared.  

"That Jutsu," Lee noted. "You must be the Crystal Style user. "

"Aren't the others supposed to take care of her?" Tenten asked. 

"Poor baby, are you going to run home and cry?" Guren taunted. 

"Nonsense!" Lee denied. "If you are the Crystal Style user, we welcome the fight!"

"You got a lot of guts, kid, for a Leaf Village brat," Guren complimented. Lee and Tenten both charged toward the woman. 

"Stay with it," Shizune ordered. "Concentrate. All right, we've got him reined in. Now, lock it from all sides, and we'll seal away the beast for good."

"Got it!" they all said. 

"Four-Corners Sealing Barrier, engage!" Shizune exclaimed. Lightning went all around the barrier, as the Tailed Beast started to try to escape. Guren dodged most of Tenten's attacks.

"Now, it's my turn!" Lee declared as he charged the woman. As Guren focused on Tenten's weapons flying at her, she didn't get a chance to dodge Lee's foot, he kicked her in the side, she flew down. They both landed. "Something is strange about her. It is luck--"

"You're out of luck, kid," Guren said. 

"Her whole body is covered in crystal?" Tenten asked. 

" All right," Lee said. The two continued on with their attacks. Both Lee and Tenten's attack didn't work against the crystal shield Guren placed over her body. They both jumped away, Guren jumped up, she turned her entire leg to crystal kicked Lee down, she landed and started to do some hand signs. A giant crystal dragon came out of the water. Ino looked back.

"Ino!" Shizune exclaimed. The barrier started to move around, Ino then regained focus. 

"Sorry, Shizune," Ino apologized.

"The net hasn't been broken yet," Aceso informed. "Just keep synchronizing. It's not too late to lock it up again."

"Die!" Guren demanded as they chased after Tenten and Lee with her crystal dragon. A fireball came out of Tenten's scroll, it hit Guren's arm, breaking some of her crystal shields. 

"Now!" Lee declared. They charged at Guren, all of them ended underwater, by the time they resurfaced they saw the Rinji was charging toward the sealing team.

"That can't be good," Tenten said.

"Oh, no!" Lee grunted.

"Collaboration Ninjutsu!" Naruto shouted. "Wind Style, Toad Water Pistol!"

"What the--" Guren asked looking back as Rinji got caught in the attack. Aceso glanced to see that Naruto, Gamaikihci, and Gamatatsu arrived on the scene. 

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