Chapter 24

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Noon had rolled around; Naruto and Sakura now stood outside Aceso's place, Naruto was eating a bowl of ramen.

"This is so unlike her," Sakura grumbled as she continued to pound on the door.

"She could just be at work," Naruto suggested with a mouth full of ramen.

"No, she's off today as the rest of us," Sakura said taking out her key. She opened the door, Naruto immediately went in first and over to the kitchen, he ate his ramen at the kitchen table. Upon entering the room, they heard loud snoring coming from Lee's place.

"Naruto," Sakura growled. "You can't just barge in here."

"Those are heavy words coming from someone with a key," Naruto said waving his chopsticks at her. He looked at the ground. "What's up with these towels all over the place, a complete mess."

"You're one to talk," Sakura glared at him.

"Wait, a minute, Lee's still asleep," Sakura said in confusion. The workout frantic never slept in this late. Sakura walked over, she peeked her head in, and she started to wish she hadn't, her face turned completely red. Lee was still asleep, snoring away. He laid flat on his back, on top of him was Aceso, her hand laid on top of his chest, the front of her body was squished into Lee's body, her braids were out; Lee had his arms wrapped around her tightly. Neither of them had a shirt on, and the blanket went up to the middle of Aceso's back. Sakura was able to see every single scar and burn from the parts of Aceso's back. She saw a giant burn mark that was covered under the blanket halfway. Lee suddenly turned on his side, facing the doorway, Aceso was unfazed by the move and remained asleep. Sakura could see love marks along Lee's collarbone, and some poking around Aceso's neck. She looked back to see Naruto being way too focused on his bowl of ramen. Sakura walked into the room very quietly, she sat on the edge of the bed. She put her hand on Aceso's back; the redhead girl's eyes slowly opened. Her eyes opened to the sight of somebody's chest. She looked back to see Sakura trying to shield her eyes, there was a light blush on her cheeks.

"Sakura?" Aceso asked. "What are you doing here so early?"

"For your information it's noon," Sakura answered turning her back and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Lady Tsunade has summoned me, you, and Naruto."

"She has?" Aceso asked.

"Come on, Naruto is waiting in your place," Sakura informed. Aceso's eyes went wide. "He's eating lunch for breakfast at your table. Ramen to be exact."

"Can you tell him to step outside?" Aceso asked as her eyes grew wide. Sakura looked back, she looked at Aceso, then at Lee, surprisingly he was still asleep, and then at Aceso again. Sakura's face turned red as she turned away. Then they heard the sound of the bathroom door closing in Aceso's place.

"Have you two done this before?" Sakura asked growing even redder.

"No, "Aceso denied as started to wiggle her way out of Lee's grip. Her face started to turn red, she wasn't expecting people this early, she also didn't expect herself to sleep in this late.

"Just make sure to cover up your neck," Sakura teased. 

"Yes, ma'am," Aceso said. She wiggled her way out of Lee's arms, bolted to her room threw on her clothes as quickly as possible, and made sure the orange scarf covered up. She left a note for Lee and then left for the Hokage's office with Sakura, and Naruto.

"Why were you in Bushy Brow's place?" Naruto asked crossing his arms.

"Must have fallen asleep there on accident, couldn't sleep for a bit," Aceso answered as she shoved her face into her scarf, her cheeks were getting warm.

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