Chapter 25

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By the time they caught up to the original Naruto, he seemed angry and Kiba seemed distressed. 

"Damn, no luck with this scent either," Kiba gruffed. "You oka Naruto?"

"Yeah," Naruto answered uneasily. 

"Did something happen?" Kakashi asked.

"No, I just tripped, that's all," Naruto answered. "Never mind that. Kiba, get on the next scent. Kiba took off leading them to the next hopeful spot of finding Sasuke. Naruto gasped, he came to a stop.

"Everything alright, Naruto?" Aceso asked as she stopped along with the others. 

"All the scents in the south forest were only false leads," Naruto answered. 

"I see," Kakashi breathed.

"Hey, don't look so down, Naruto," Kiba said. "I thought you never give up, no matter what isn't that your ninja way?"

"Naruto, he's right," Sakura agreed. Naruto nodded.

"All right, I'll use the chakra that I've restored and increased the number of shadow clones," Naruto proclaimed. He put his hands in a sign, creating more clones. "I'm counting on you guys."

"Just leave it to us," his clones assured before taking off. They started off again, following Kiba and Akamaru. 

 "I found him!" Naruto declared after a bit.

"Nice, good job," Kiba complimented. "Where to?"

"This way," Naruto answered as he began to take over in leading. "Come on guys! This way!"

"Wait, Naruto!" Hinata called out. 

"Howdy!" a person greeted popping onto a tree branch. His face was covered by an orange mask, only a little hole for him to see, he had on an Akatsuki cloak. 

"What?" Naruto asked suddenly stopping, he started to fall back.

"Naruto!" Aceso exclaimed catching him.

"Well, now, how's it going there, there and there," a man greeted as they all arrived. "Imagine running into Hidden Leaf Folks in a place like this. And it's two, four, eight, nine against one! What bad luck!"

"Wait, those robes," Yamato noted. "You're a member of the Akatsuki, too."

"Although he wasn't on that roster that Kabuto gave to us, nor in Aceso's notes," Kakashi said. 

"I'm kinda new here," the man laughed. "Nice to meet you." Kiba started barking. 

"Think you're funny, huh?" Kiba asked. "Look, buddy, don't waste our time

"Don't be rash," Aceso advised. 

"We need to wait and see, study the situation first," Kakashi said. "We do have a numbers advantage."

"Oh, dear. Am I being underestimated?" the man asked. "By you guys?"

"So, he's an Akatsuki," Shino said. Naruto was smirking up at him.

"Get out of our way!" another Naruto demanded, appearing behind the man with a Rasengan. 

"Shadow Clone?" the man asked looking back. He let out a scream as Naruto went right through him. Aceso's eyes went wide. "Just kidding." Naruto and the guy went back at each other. "You are so full of yourself. I mean, what can a kid like you really do?" Naruto threw kunai, the guy dodged it and kicked Naruto square in the nose, drawing blood. He slammed into another Naruto, the clone disappeared as the main one slammed into the water. Hinata looked back at him.

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