Chapter 34

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Aceso continued on with treating the injured, Lady Tsunade still showed no signs of coming out of the comatose. But Aceso knew she couldn't lose hope. She left a tent to see children running by.

"Hello. Doctor Mastuba!" the kids greeted running by her.

"Hello!" Aceso smiled, watching them run off, they were bringing water over to the working adults; one of them ran up to her.

"Gai-sensei told us to make sure you don't overdo it," a kid told her. " He told me to give this to you." He handed her a water and rice ball. "See you later!"

"Thank you!" Aceso called out as the kid caught up with his friends. This made her think back to when she was on the road. 


The month ended of being in the hospital in the Land of Flowers, and Aceso was back on the road with Nico and Mico. 

"Where are we heading off to next?" Mico asked.

"One of the nurses back in the hospital mentioned a small town that got hit with a tornado recently, I want to go check it out," Aceso answered.

"That is going to be a ton of injured people," Mico scrunched his nose. "Will you be able to help all those people?"

"I don't see why not," Aceso shrugged. They traveled for another day before teaching the destroyed town. Upon arrival, there was loud crying from children, and piles of debris as people searched through it for their belongings.

"Our town is not accepting any tourists at the moment," a man said walking up. "I am going to have to ask you three to leave."

"Oh, I came to help," Aceso corrected. " I am a doctor, your medical people must be overwhelmed." 

"You are a doctor?" the man asked in disbelief.

"Best believe it," Nico insisted grabbing for his shield. A woman walked up and grabbed Aceso's arm.

"If you are going to help, then don't just stand there," the woman said dragging her off to a tent. Aceso spent the next five days taking care of the injured, she got little to no sleep. 

"Aceso, you are overworking yourself," Nico said pacing. They were sitting at a lone bench, all the injured seemed to be fine at the moment. 

"I'm fine," Aceso smiled at him. "I'm happy to be able to help all these people."

"If you keep working, you are going to end up in the hospital again," Nico explained.

"Doctor Mastuba!" small voices yelled running up to them.

"Huh?" they asked looking over, a couple of kids had some tea and rice balls.

"We want to give you our thanks, so we brought tea and rice balls to eat with us" a kid smiled.

"Can you teach me medical ninjutsu?"

"Or medicine?" another asked.

"You've come to the right person," Aceso smiled at them. Aceso spent the next couple of days showing some of the villager's medical ninjutsu, they wanted to have everyone to have at least some knowledge of the medical field. 

"Medical ninjutsu takes a lot of chakra control, you need complete focus, they are--" Aceso began to explain. She then started to fall over, her eyes started to close.

"You need rest," Mico insisted catching her. "And more food."

"You are working nonstop," Nico added. 

"Let me just continue on with this lesson," Aceso insisted. Instead of continuing with the lesson, Aceso was placed in a tent to get some sleep. She woke up to see the woman that dragged her into the town. "Ma'am?"

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