Chapter 21

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They went back to the others, Aceso saw that a cabin of some sort was built, with the village symbol on it.

"Reinforcements?" Aceso repeated. 

"Here?" Naruto asked.

"Who?" Aceso asked.

"Just you wait and see," Sakura said. They opened the door, Aceso saw Pakkun was laying flat on the ground.

"Pakkun," Aceso gasped kneeling beside him. 

"That's it, I can't run another step," Pakkun said as Aceso took him into her arms. 

"This is what you meant by reinforcements," Naruto said.

"So, Naruto," Ino's voice rang. "I hear you messed up again."

"And you took part as well Aceso," Tenten's voice rang, they looked up to see Ino, Tenten, Shizune, and Lee. Aceso didn't know whether to feel happy, flushed (from when they almost kissed like two days ago) or angry to see Lee. 

"It is all right," Lee smiled at the both of them. "Recklessness is a sign of youth."

"Shut up, Lee!" Tenten groaned. "Stop encouraging them!"

"Hey, hey!" Naruto greeted happily pointing at Lee. "Look who's here!" They put lights on so everyone could see better. " Am I glad to see you, Bushy brow!" They ran up to each other, high diving. 

"That is right!" Lee cheered. "Now that I am here, you all have nothing to fear."

"Hold on," Tenten said rushing up to the three. "You're not alone here, pal. Don't get ahead of yourself."

"I'm happy to see you Tenten," Aceso smiled. Pakkun had fallen asleep in Aceso's arms, he was quite exhausted from all the running he had been doing. 

"Really!?" Tenten lit up. Everyone gathered up and talked with each other, Aceso against the same wall as Naruto. He stood up and went into another room, Aceso followed. They stepped outside, taking a small walk.

"Do you really think, that kid belongs with them?" Naruto asked.

"Not with them," Aceso denied. "But with her." They stopped at a tree. 

"Out of all the people, why her?" Naruto asked.

"Cause he makes her feel like he belongs," Aceso answered. "Guren is his home."

" A person is his home," Naruto repeated.

"I would go anywhere that Kakashi and Gai go," Aceso said. 

"What makes you think that woman is attached to him?" Naruto asked.

"Cause the same happened with me and Kakashi when I was younger," Aceso answered. "When I was just about 5, a family wanted to take me away from Kakashi, but I choose to stay with him and Gai and Kakashi didn't to be away from him. The same thing is how Iruka-sensei protected you from Mizuki all those years ago."


Aceso was five years old, she was standing in the Hokage's office with Gai, Kakashi, and a family, there was a mother, a father, a boy, and a girl, both seemed older than her.

"Aceso, I want to you say hello to a family from the Senju clan," Lord Third said. "They will be taking you in for now."

"I don't want to go with them," Aceso denied. 

"Don't be rude," Kakashi said putting a hand on her head. "Go say hello."

"You should feel honored," Lord Third said. "The Senju clan is one of the founding clans of our village."

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