Chapter 48

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***Back to the Great Fourth Shinobi War***

Aceso helped attend to the wounded as they waited for further instruction or new enemies to show up. Aceso managed to finish up, she now stood around with the others.

"So, what's the plan?" Naruto asked. "What do we do now, Shorty Gramps?"

"I told you before, I'm the Tsuchikage!" Lord Onoki snapped. 

"We should rendezvous with another company and keep fighting," Temari suggested. 

"Our real enemy isn't all the reanimated shinobi," Lord Onoki stated, looking at her. "It's Madara!"

"You're right," Gaara stated. "This war will not end until he's brought down. Our target should be Madara."

"Octopops and the real me should be heading over this way right about now," Naruto informed. A weird feeling came over Aceso as if a new enemy was approaching. 

"Do you sense something?" Aceso asked looking back. 

"What are you talking about little sister?" Naruto asked. 

"That!" a leaf shinobi exclaimed in a panic.

"What's the matter?" Lord Onoki asked as they all turned. "What are you sensing?"

"It's right over there!" the shinobi shouted, pointing up at a boulder. 

"What now?" Gaara asked as they watched the 2nd Tsuchikage appear. 

"The Second Tsuchikage!" Aceso exclaimed. "I thought that you had him sealed away, Gaara?"

"Impossible!" Lord Onoki exclaimed. "In that state, he fragmented himself?!"

"What do you mean?" Gaara asked as they looked down at him. 

"Lord Mu was able to split his body, and in doing so, he created clones," Lord Onoki explained. "Well, no. Not clones. It's closer to say that he splits his body into two pieces. Although each one only has held his normal strength."

"I think our comrades was referring to someone else," Aceso stated. 

"What!?" Temari asked.

"Really?! There's another one?!" Naruto asked. They watched someone step up, in red armor, he looked a lot like...Sasuke.

"That one is..." Lord Onoki gasped. 

"He kind of looks like Sasuke," Aceso stated. 

"No," Lord Onoki denied darkly. "He's Madara Uchiha!"

"So that's what he looks like beneath his mask, huh?" Naruto asked. 

"But he looks exactly the same as he did before!" Lord Onoki stated, he was sweating. 

"What is going on here?!" Gaara demanded.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Take a close look at his eyes," Gaara said. " He's a reanimated shinobi. The Reanimation Jutsu brings the dead back to this realm."

"Which means he's been dead," Aceso stated. It was just as Aceso suspected, the guy in the mask wasn't Madara, to begin with. 

"Hold a second!" Temari exclaimed. "HQ reported Madara elsewhere, approaching in the other direction with a bunch of Jinchuriki. Isn't that correct?"

"But there's no mistaking it! He's definitely Madara Uchiha!" Lord Onoki confirmed. "He's the one I fought back in my younger days! But then who could possibly be the man...behind the mask?"

"Another Uchiha," Aceso stated.  "Which one? I'm not so sure."

"Sasuke?" Naruto gasped as his eyes widened. 

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