Chapter 51

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Naruto charged towards Tobi, the Nine-Tails chakra, had a giant arm come out, it went to go grab Tobi. The man stepped out of it.

"Dad!" Aceso exclaimed. "We really ought to--"

"Huh?" Gai and Aceso asked as they looked over at Kakashi, he seemed deeply saddened. 

"That man, He couldn't be..." Kakashi breathed. "No...There's absolutely no way!" 

"Dad!" Gai shouted, this got Kakashi to snap out of it.

"Are you listening?" Aceso demanded. "The more diversions there are, the better when we're attacking him!"

"We need to get in there!" Gai urged. "Kakashi, we've got a pretty good idea of what you're thinking right now. I feel the same. But you need to just leave it be. There's no time to wallow in sentimentality. Your former subordinate, Naruto has already jumped into action!"

"How foolish, attacking all yourself," Tobi stated. Multiple large shurikens shot out toward Naruto. 

"Yo!" Killer B shouted trying to stop them, it cut off some of his tentacles. "Agh! Damnit!" The head of the Nine-Tails formed, catching the shuriken with its mouth. 

"You're wrong," Naruto denied. "I'm not all by myself. Don't forget Kurama! Plus Octopops, Eight-O...Bushier Brow Sensei! My little sister! And Kakashi Sensei, too!"

"You've got a winning record against me right now," Gai brought up. "You better not let all of this slow you down. Kakashi!" The shuriken got thrown in a different direction, as the Nine-Tails head disappeared. 

"Let's go," Kakashi declared. "Gai! Aceso!"

"My dear rival!" Gai cheered. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" The three of them charged forward, to go join up with Gyuki, Killer B, Kurama, and Naruto. 

" I don't fear a borrowed power that cannot even string together a barrage," Tobi stated. "The true power of Kamui!" He jumped up. "Watch and learn!" He started to spit things out.

"If he has to materialize when he pulls things in, he has to do so when spits things out!" Lord B stated. "This is our chance!"

"If you can counterstrike, that is!" Tobi stated as numerous rods shot out. The rods lodged in one of Gyuki's tentacles. It started to form chakra chains.

"What is this?" B demanded looking back. "Naruto! These have the Curse Marks on them that restrain Tailed Beast power. So whatever you do, don't let them touch you!"

"Octopops!" Naruto shouted. "Could you just shield me for a little bit?" He formed a clone. 

"Gotcha!" B agreed as Naruto ran away from the rods raining down. "Come here! I'll be your umbrella!" He formed a Rasengan as he jumped up to Tobi, Kakashi used Kamui to transport it. Aceso's eyes glowed green; barriers formed. To stop the rods from landing into Gyuki/B even more. Kakashi collapsed to the ground.

"Kakashi!" Gai shouted as they skidded to a stop, Gai took out a chakra patch, slapping it onto Kakashi's forearm.

"Seems my attack was quicker than you, Kakashi," Tobi stated. "You missed transporting the Rasengan, and wasted another Kamui."

"Not yet!" Naruto shouted. "Tailed Beast Bomb!" He shot it at Tobi.

"A bit late, how futile," Tobi commented. It exploded, Tobi disappeared, Naruto's clone continued the attack. Gai lifted up Kakashi, giving him support then Tobi reappeared with his mask was the man in Kakashi's photo in his room...Aceso recognized him when she knocked off his mask all those years ago as a little girl...Obito Uchiha.

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