Chapter 38

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On the way to Sakura, Aceso couldn't help but think of Sasuke. Had he truly let the darkness take over him? Is it worse than when in Orochiamru's layer? Even back then, there was still a glimpse of light, no matter how much he denies it.


Back in the lair, Aceso was in the laundry room, she was waiting for the clothes to be done drying, Orochimaru had gathered for followers, he needed all the clothes to be clean for them. She saw one of them had a family crest on the back; as she started to fold them. Sasuke's clothes must have gotten mixed up in the new batch. She looked around to see that nobody was around, she then slipped it on. She looked back in the mirror, she pushed her hair to the side, to see the Uchiha crest. 

"Are you almost done?" Sasuke asked walking in, he stopped when he saw her wearing his shirt. "Who said you could wear that?" Fear drowned Aceso's heart. 

"Sasuke!" Aceso jumped, looking at him. "I--uh--I got cold." She started to take it off, Sasuke then saw that it had his clan crest on it. He smiled. "Hm?"

"The Uchiha crest looks good on you," Sasuke complimented.

"Thanks," Aceso breathed in surprise. 

***End of Flashback***

"Please hurry," Sai urged. "The situation's dire." The three of them picked up the pace. "She got us. Please you have to hurry." Sai's clone turned to ink, leaving only two of them. 

"Never expected this from Sakura," Aceso commented.

"Pretty gutsy," Kakashi added.  Moments later they arrived to find Lee, Sai, Kiba, and Akamaru all lying in the middle of the path knocked out. 

"Uh oh," Kakashi breathed as Aceso went over to Kiba. 

"Kiba," Aceso said tapping his face. He opened his eyes, groaning, he looked at her. "Where did Sakura go?" Kakashi sat him up a bit, from behind. 

"You were in pursuit of Sasuke, right?" Kakashi brought up. "Which way did Sakura go?"

"Head north, toward 2:00," Kiba answered sleepily. "You have to go about one kilometer." He passed out again.

"Thanks, Kiba," Aceso smiled lightly. "Looks like Sakura learned how to blend a powerful sleeping powder from Lady Tsunade. Aceso stood up, she picked up Kiba. 

"They won't be getting up anytime soon," Kakashi stated as he picked Akamaru, they put the four of them down off to the side of the road, between two trees. Aceso placed down Sai and Kakashi placed Lee behind her. "There you go. Sorry, everyone, we've got to rush ahead." Aceso knelt beside Lee and tapped his face, his eyes opened a little; he placed them on her.

"You've got to be the prettiest angel, I've ever seen," Lee said sleepily, he closed his eyes going back to sleep, and Aceso smiled lightly. 

"Sweet dreams." Aceso wished them before taking off towards Sakura. They arrived to see Sasuke standing behind Sakura with his Chidori, blood dripping out of his eye. Sakura held out a kunai standing in front of a fallen girl with red hair. Kakashi blocked Sasuke's attack, as Aceso took Sakura and got her away from Sasuke. 

"How you've fallen Sasuke," Kakashi growled angrily. Sasuke went to go kick Kakashi; he dodged it and easily kicked Sasuke as Aceso put Sakura down. She turned around, and with her fingers in position, her ropes went forward, wrapping around Sasuke, he puffed into a log. He appeared a bit away from them.

"Hn," Sasuke smirked when he saw them. "One after another."

"Sakura, you intended to kill Sasuke by yourself, didn't you?" Kakashi asked. She looked down sadly. "There's no need for you to bear such a heavy burden. After all, it was my cowardice that drove you all apart when I was the leader of Team 7. Sakura I once tried to put you at ease by telling you something irresponsible. Perhaps I was trying to convince myself, too. I'm sorry I'm such a careless sensei."

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