Chapter 55

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Everyone was in complete astonishment by the disappearance of the ten tails.

"That guy is the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki?" Sasuke asked for reassurance. 

"Yeah," Aceso breathed. 

"He looks even creepier than he did before!" Naruto stated. 

"Obito," Minato breathed. 

"Naruto, how can you tell he's a Jinichuriki?" Sasuke asked. 

"I made friends with the other Tailed Beasts," Naruto answered. "Earlier, they all gave me some of their chakra, so I could totally feel it. I felt the Tailed Beasts' chakra get sucked inside Obito one after another. And besides that, I saw Nagato do that Six Paths Rebirth Jutsu before. But the signs that this guy was weaving were completely different! He was performing the Jutsu to become a Jinchuriki this whole time."

"I see," Sasuke breathed. Gates slammed around Obito, one slammed him into the ground. 

"Whoa! Awesome!" Naruto cheered. The deity gates started to crack before being torn apart by Obito. Multiple hands shot out, it grabbed onto the crimson barrier. He began to pull the barrier in, breaking it with ease. 

"No way!" Gai gasped. "The Four Crimson Ray Formation!"

"Everyone keep your guard up!" Hashirama ordered. "He's made The Ten Tails' power his own. There's no telling what he might do! He's broken the barrier!" Obito suddenly landed on the same deity gate as Naruto. 

"Enough, Obito!" Minato ordered. "Stop this now!"

"" Obito asked. 

"His memory seems to be gone" Aceso stated as the Hokage landed in front of them.

"Look, I'll be blunt," Hashirama admitted. "This guy is stronger than I am!"

"No offense intended, but it appears to be true," Lord 3rd agreed. 

"Even if you absorb your remaining clones, you're no match Elder Brother!" Tobirama stated. 

"Yes, I know," Hashirama agreed. "However..." A black ball formed out the hand out Obito. 

"Whoa," Aceso breathed as Obito easily got past Lord 1st and Lord 2nd. 

"What happened?" Naruto asked. 

"Fourth! Saru!" Tobirama shouted. "Scram!" There were many paper bombs on Obito. "Brother!" Hashirama nodded. Obito exploded, Hriuzen jumped up as Hashriama went to go restrain Obito with his wood style.

"Minato, getaway now!" Hiruzen ordered. 

"Lord Second, you sure work fast!" Minato complimented. Suddenly everyone on top of Gamakichi, including Gamakichi was teleported away. They landed to see the whole gates area under extreme explosions. 

"This is way too much!" Naruto exclaimed as he tried to keep his balance. "What's going on? I can't keep up!"

"Now don't freak out!" Minato assured. "Always watch what's happening!" Obito now was holding some sort of staff. 

"Shuriken Shadow Clones!" Lord Hiruzen shouted, he threw a giant shuriken. Numerous shuriken popped out, another black ball formed at Obito's wrist, he broke through the shuriken in an instant. He broke off Lord 3rd's left arm. He grabbed Lord 3rd's face, the black ball absorbed back into his hand, then broke off the top half. 

"Gramps, no!" Naruto shouted. "Hey, Dad! You couldn't teleport Grandpa Third with your Jutsu, too?"

"I couldn't," Minato denied. "I simply can't teleport anything that I myself, or my chakra, isn't touching directly. "

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