Chapter 58

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Everyone began pulling with everything they got. Aceso could feel everyone's emotions and feelings through her ropes, she's never felt anything like it before. Everything that was done was done purely from the heart of the comrades

"Give it everything you got!" Aceso shouted. "Now!" They all tugged; all the tailed beasts came right out of Obito.

"Everyone's power!" Naruto shouted. "They're all out!" Everyone cheered as Mintao left the ropes, the ropes slid back to Aceso. 

"Yeah!" Gai cheered. All the Tailed Beast returned back to their normal form as Obito returned back to normal, he fell to the ground, landing with a thud. The Susanoo, Kurama; green barrier jutsu faded away, and all three of them landed on their feet, panting heavily. 

"Well, it looks like you kept your promise, Naruto Uzumaki," the Four Tails said looking back at them. "I have to say, I'm impressed that really rescued us!"

"Hey, Son!" Naruto greeted with a salute. "Sure thing!"

"We were lucky," the seven tails stated. 

"He done it!" Six tails cheered. "Yes!"

"Yes! Excellent!" Five-Tails complimented. 

"You're right," the two tails said. 

"I'm glad," three tails admitted. Sasuke started to run forward, drawing his sword.

"Wait, hold up Sasuke!" Naruto called out to him.  

"Sasuke!" Aceso shouted as Naruto and she ran after him. 

"Where is he?" a shinobi asked. "What happened to him?

"Over there!" C pointed out. "He's still alive!" Suddenly, Kakashi appeared out of Obito's eye, he pinned him down, with a kunai in his hand; they stopped running, and everyone gasped. 

"Dad!" Aceso breathed.

"Kakashi!" Sasuke breathed.

"Sasuke, I promise we'll talk more later, sorry it took me so long to get back Aceso," Kakashi said. "I apologize for appearing so suddenly. But I was once his classmate and friend, so please, let me take responsibility for him. 

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shouted as Kakashi raised his kunai. "No, he's now-!" Right before Kakashi was about to plunge a knife into Obito, Minato stopped him. "Dad, what-?!"

"He's a weakened!" a shinobi shouted.

"Now's the time to finish him off!"

"Let's go and get him!" Everyone cheered in agreement. 

"Hold!" Tsunade ordered holding out her arms. 

"What?" A shinobi asked. 

"Obito," Minato said. "When we played chakra, tug-of-war, just now, I got to see the inside of your heart. It looked like my son nagged and lectured you quite a bit. Something that he seems to have inherited from his mother."

"But, Dad..." Naruto breathed. 

"And besides, that really ought to be your job," Minato said looking at Kakashi. "For I believe the one that truly understands and would know what to say to you his friend, Kakashi." Minato looked back. "Isn't that right, Naruto?" Naruto's eyes went wide, he looked over at Sasuke. "Naruto...You three and the Allied Shinobi Forces should help Lord First. Go and seal Madara away. 

"Oh yeah, that's right!" Naruto recalled. " I forgot about him!" He started running towards Lord First. "Let's go Sasuke! Aceso!"

"Right!" Aceso responded as she followed. They ran all the way up to the tree, they looked down to see where they could Hashirama and Madara.

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