Chapter 37

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  Aceso sat on the roof with Naruto as the Yamato and Kakashi took the harsh yelling.

"Just look at that!" the innkeeper yelled. "Look at what you've done! That's why I can't stand shinobi!"

"Sorry," Yamato bowed his head. "Please forgive us. I'll repair it myself. I promise."

"Naruto?" Aceso asked looking at him, he was quiet for a long time.

"The only thing left to do," Naruto said looking up. "Is to ask him myself."


Naruto put snow on his head and began to concentrate. 

"Naruto, come down already," Yamato ordered. They heard multiple footsteps approaching, they looked back to see Sakura, Kiba, Akamaru, Sai, and Lee. 

"Finally, we found you guys," Kiba smiled. 

"What? Sakura?" Naruto asked looking back. He had just entered the sage mode. He got up walking towards the edge of the roof. "Sai, Kiba, and even Bushy Brow?" 

"Why are all of you here?" Aceso asked. 

"Naruto," Sakura said. "I need to talk to you right now." Naruto came down, he left the sage mode; they all got on the ground, facing the other group. Then Sakura told Naruto that she loved him. Yamato, Lee, and Aceso all fell into shock.

"Huh? Sakura? What was that?" Naruto asked. "What did you just say? Because I don't think I head you right. Say it again?"

"I guess, sure," Sakura blushed. "What I said was, I love you, Naruto. And you also need to know that Sasuke doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I was totally crazy to ever like him in the first place. Listen more carefully when a girl confesses her feelings to you." Aceso left the state of shock. There was no way Sakura came all this way just to tell Naruto, that she loves him.

"Sakura," Aceso breathed. "You shouldn't tell people you love romantically unless it's from the heart, and if it's from the heart, it's more difficult to say than that." Aceso always found herself working up the courage to tell Lee how she feels, and for Sakura to just come all this way and to say it so easily.

"And what would you know about that?" Sakura asked. Aceso and Lee both looked at each other, she looked back at Sakura. Then at Naruto, he was angry. 

"But why, huh? Why tell me?" Naruto demanded. "If this is supposed to be some kind of joke or something, it's not funny at all, Sakura! What happened?"

"It's nothing, really," Sakura shook her head. "I just finally realized my true feelings. I mean, I can't continue to love a rogue shinobi, a criminal, can I? I'm not a child anymore. It's time for me to face up to reality. That's why, Naruto, you can forget about that promise you made to me. You can stop, all right? You can stop causing after Sasuke."

"What's going on?" Yamato demanded Kakashi put his arm out to prevent Yamato from going further. 

"Look, Sakura, what happened to you?" Naruto asked. "You just suddenly started liking me."

"I told you, nothing's happened," Sakura said. "As for why I fell in love with you, it's obvious." Aceso narrowed her eyes at Sakura, as she stepped forward bringing Naruto in a hug, his arms remained at his sides.  

"Sakura," Kakashi breathed. "You're--"

"Sasuke just keeps running farther away from me," Sakura said. "But Naruto, you've always stuck by my side no matter what, and always cheered me up. I guess I finally see you, Naruto. Your true self, who you really are. When our whole village was brought to its knees by Pain, you returned just when you were needed most. The hero, who defended the village. Right now, everyone in the Leaf admires you, and I'm simply one of them. You used to be a mischievous prankster loser, but you've become something wonderful, and I've watched it all. While Sasuke adds to his crimes and just keeps breaking my heart, he's always becoming more of a stranger. But Naruto, I'm able to be close to you like this. And you give me comfort. From the bottom of my heart, I care about you." Naruto pushed Sakura off of him. 

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