Chapter 54

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Everyone was ready to strike at given notice.

"Just hold up," Hashirama ordered. The Ten-tails was forming another tailed beast bomb.

"Another one?" a cloud shinobi gasped.

"It wants to break the barriers!" Minato shouted. "Fellow past Hokage! And Aceso! Please focus and prepare yourselves!"

"Yes, we know that!" Lord Third stated. 

"Now, then," Tobirama breathed. "Lady Aceso, move your barrier inside the crimson barrier."

"Yes, Lord Second," Aceso breathed. 'Move it?' She put her hands together, quickly, but steadily she put her barrier inside the crimson barrier. Once it entered the barriers, there was a shade of brown in the middle from the mixture of red and brown.

Aceso put her hands together to try to strengthen her barrier. The Ten-tails shot its attack, it hit the barriers, caused a giant explosion, then shot up into the sky. 

"The barriers held!" Kiba cheered. 

"Those things' absolutely amazing!" Shikamaru smiled. "To be able to keep him trapped!"

"But where is Ten-Tails?" Ino asked. Once the smoke cleared, it was bigger; roared angrier. 

"That ten tails," Mifune chuckled. "It seems that he scorched himself!"

"That is not just a simple barrier!" Hashirama smirked.

"Wow," Naruto chuckled. 

"The past Hokage truly were incredible individuals, huh?" Sakura breathed. 

"Seems they weren't just all talk," Sasuke added.

"My sister is up there working with them," Naruto pointed out. "Don't forget that!!"

"I expect nothing less," Gai smiled, his teeth sparkled. 

"Wood Style: Wood Clone Jutsu!" Hashirama shouted. Five wooden clones appeared out of his body. They shot out to specific areas. "I'll make four entry points in the barrier, so we can go in and out! Now follow me!"

"Right! Let's go!" a clone shouted. 

"You can drop your barrier for now," Tobirama ordered, Aceso did as she was told.

"I'm not done! Sage Art! Gracious Deity Gates!" Hashirama shouted. A giant gate slammed over the ten-tail neck. "Head Seal!" Shinobi charged forward to continue attacking the Ten-tails. Hashirama made four entry points. "Quick, go now!" As they ran towards it, little pimple things popped up on its skin, small creatures came out of it. "Those are Fission Beings! It's trying to keep us away from its real body!"

"Don't hold back!" Naruto ordered. The battle started between the fission beings and shinobi, Aceso used her ropes to slice some in half as she continued to fight them off physically along with everyone else. 

"Ready?" Lee asked appearing next to her as they fought. "We should test out a combo attack, that combo attack specifically. I believe it will actually work this time."

"You got it," Aceso smiled at him. She cleared multiple fission beings with her ropes. Lee took out a couple of kunai with ropes and paper bombs attached to them; Lee tossed them in the air, Aceso let her eyes glow green to keep in the place.

"Fifth Gate of Joy: Open!" Lee shouted. He ran and jumped up. "Leaf Hurricane!" He spun striking each kunai in a row, the kunai, flew piercing into many fission, dragging many along with the rope, it landed on the Ten-Tails and exploded. The Ten-Tails let out an angry roar.

"Please remind me to never make the two of you angry at the same time," Omoi requested. "I for one, do not want to get caught in that."

"Fantastic hit from the two of you! Well done!" Hashirama complimented. The ground erupted, Aceso looked over to see Sakura taking numerous opponents in one hit, she erupted the ground greatly. "Wow, what monster strength! It might even be greater than Tsuna's!" Aceso noticed that Sakura had the same mark on her forehead as Tsunade.

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