Catfish: Sanji X Reader

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Hello again, so this is supposed to be a fluff story and it was requested by @NatsumeDragneelUvU, I hope this is at least close to what you wanted, and thanks to Keef_The_Pineapple for proof reading it and giving me the plot idea

A voice from the darkness: Are you going to say something about Keef_The_Pineapple ever chapter

Another voice from the darkness: Hey moss head, shut up!

*Clashing can be heard*

Both of you shut up! And stop fighting will you! And yes i will most likely be mentioning her quite often, because shes my best friend, who for some reason surprisingly puts up with me all the time, shes too good to me, so I want to help her out, and shes a big help to me all the time! And she has her own stories as well, so I suggest you guys hop on over to her page and check them out, there good stories!

Mumbling can be heard as the green haired swordsman known as Zoro walks out of the shadows: She's wrote two stories about me, one finished, the other on going...

The blonde haired cook known as Sanji walks out of the shadows behind Zoro, while crying: At least she wrote stories about you...

Grow up and shut up you two! Oops.... I'm... Well im sorry.... I... I think I will just go know.... Bye...

Zoro and Sanji watch as the author shyly leaves before looking at each other

Zoro: She embaresed herself aand left before she finished informing the readers again....

Sanji: Should we step in and finish for her...?

A third voice came from the shadows as a straw hatted guy came flying out, also known as Luffy: I will!

Luffy picked up a piece of paper that was on the ground as he began to read off of it: I will be posting any requested stories before any other stories I have made, so if you request a one shot, it will be posted before anything else I have done, and i do try to get them done as soon as I can, but with my posting schedule, it will come out on the same day every week, at least I try to do that, as most of you already probabaly know and figured out.... Well anyway, someone on one of my old one shots and only one I had done a little skit on/with, like this, said that i should continue to do them at the begining of the stories, what do you guys think? Tell me in the comments, and im sorry for all of this, and that its so long... but thats all for now, I hope you all are staying safe and doing well out there, continue to stay safe though, now onto the story, i hope you all enjoy, bye!

Zoro and Sanji yell at the same time with wide eyes as Luffy looks at the paper confused but also with a smile and laugh at Sanji and Zoro's reaction: YOU CAN READ!!

"I got something!" You yelled trying to pull in your fishing rod as you leaned backwards on the edge of the ship, almost falling over as everyone on the crew ran over to you, the blonde haired cook Sanji catching you before you fell, as the straw hatted captain, reindeer doctor, and long nosed sniper, Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp , all were running around you and jumping like crazy, excited.

"Pull it in! Pull it in!" Luffy exclaimed happily with a huge smile as you counted to have trouble railing in the seemingly large fish.

"I'm trying! He's a hard one." You exclaimed with clenched teeth as you began to pull harder, when suddenly, a large fish came flying out of the water, attached to your fishing rod, putting a large smile on your face. It was a large catfish. It quickly landed on The Thousand Sunny's deck with a loud thud as it flopped around from being out of the water. Luffy ran over to it with sparkling eyes and drool. Luffy quickly looked up at Sanji with a bright smile.

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