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John: Listen Satan, I never ask anything from you.

Satan: uh huh.

John: I know you hate me-

Satan: uh huh.

John: and I don't especially like you.

Satan: Right.

John: But can you please help me save my husband?

Satan: What do you want me to do about it?

John: I just wanna make Felix feel better!

Satan: Hm... I'll give you a two new abilities, but in order to do that, I'm gonna need to take your soul.

John: Well that's the thing... I'm a god?

Satan: *grumbles* Right. Fine, I'll turn you into a demon!

John: A demon?!

Satan: Yes a demon! You'll be like me.

John: ah.

Satan: Don't worry, you'll also be like Jamey, you can turn into a 50 foot giant demon whenever you want to.

John: But won't Felix noti-

Satan: He won't notice, Max definitely will, as well as anyone who's half or full demon.

John: ..... This could be a problem.

Satan: Just avoid Max. My boy won't give you any trouble, nor will Jerry, but keep an eye out for everyone else.

John: T-thank you.


Felix: What took you so long?

John: uh I couldn't find it.

Felix: You couldn't find bread and Milk?

John: I meant they ran out of stock!! I'll go tomorrow.

Felix: oh well... we still need milk.

John: Right. Let's go down to a gas station.

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