Oil: *eating chips on the couch*

*phone rings*

Oil: *answers it* yo.

Principal: Em.. uh is this.. Olive?

Oil: Yep. *finishes his chips*

Principal: Olive your dad hasn't paid the school yet.

Oil: *licks the bag* refresh my mind because I've been studying.

Principal: To keep Oil in the school! You're dad needs to pay the year so he can go to highschool and eventually a college.

Oil: *gasps* ....

Principal: Olive? You there?

Oil: *hangs up* They've been paying the principal to keep me in school? ....... *looks around*  and I'm outta chips?!


Olive: Ready for school?

Oil: Yes! But I'm mad about you for some reason!!

Olive: What?

Oil: I can't remember why I'm mad at you! I think I'm mad at... mom?

Olive: No way! Look if this is about that stupid popsicle-

Oil: You ate my banana flavored popsicle?!!

Olive: .... nooo?

Oil: That's why I'm mad!! You bitch!

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