School au

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Girl: The haylel kids sure are impressive.

Girl 2: I know! One time I saw Jerry run around the whole track in under a minute!

Boy: what?! No way!

Boy 2: what about that Jamey guy?

Girl 3: Oh my god! One day I was walking past the gym and he was practicing like martial arts or something!

Boy 2: scary.

Boy: I heard a rumor that he's not even straight-

Angelo: Now now! I heard it's not nice to spread rumors!

All: Vice principal Angelo!!

Boy: y-yes sir!!

Girl: w-we're so sorry!


Lucifer: Troublesome. *writing down on papers*

Angelo: I tried! You know how teens can be with their rumors.

Lucifer: That's true. They should be more careful. *tsks* it's him again.

Angelo: hm? *looks out the window*

Max: *flirting with Jerry*

Jerry: *laughing*

Angelo: *smiles* Overprotective much?

Lucifer: s-shut up!! *hides his face*

Angelo: aww lucy!~


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