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John: Isn't he beautiful?

Felix: *blinks and looks down in his arms*

Gage: *holds onto his shirt yawning*

Felix: Oh.. why is gage tiny?

John: Gage? I like that name. Is that what you wanna name him? Gage Camila.

Felix: but wait- Gage isn't my baby, he's yours and Linda's baby.

John: Linda? Who's that? The only person I've ever loved is you. The only person I married was you.

Felix: W-wait, We made Gage?

John: Are you feeling okay? Maybe you just need to rest. *kisses his forehead*

Felix: I don't need sl-

~ Scene Changes ~

Felix: *looks around*

John: *hugs him from behind* Look at us, married for so long.

Felix: *looks in a mirror* Wow! I-I'm old!

John: We're growing old Felix. That's what happens when we age together. *kisses his cheek*

Felix: I... like it.

John: We've been so happy for years.

~ Scene Changes ~

Felix: *looks at his hands* Back to normal?

John: So... who gets Jake?

Felix: *looks at him* What?

Lawyer: My apologies, but whoever was the most fitting parent gets to keep the children.

John: *laughs a bit* I guess that's you. *tears up and grabs a pen*

Felix: What are you doing?

John: you said things weren't working out between us. You wanted to get a divorce. *starts signing the papers*

Felix: *tears up* I would never say that.

Lawyer: *gives him the papers*

Felix: No! No no! I would never do that. *finds himself already signing them* What am I doing?!

John: *wipes his tears* I'm gonna miss you. I don't know if I'll ever forget you.

Felix: No no I don't wanna leave you!! *goes to hug him before watching him disappear* John!!


Felix: *gasps sitting up*

John: *sleeping*

Felix: *shakes a bit tearing up and hugs John tight*

~ A Few minutes later ~

Felix: *sleeping peacefully*

John: *wraps an arm around him protectively and starts rubbing his back soothingly* I'm sorry. I went to far...

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