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~ Cafeteria ~

Faz: Hm... Jamey?

Jamey: *drinking soda* Hm?

Faz: how come you don't have a girlfriend yet?

Jamey: *pulls off* What do you mean?

Faz: Well... I noticed that you're basically by yourself most of the time and I've definitely seen girls hit on you constantly.

Jamey: True.

Faz: So how come you're still single?

Jamey: Hmm... *shrugs and eats his hotdog*

Faz: *deadpans* Eh?!

Jerry: Jamey said he'd kill me if I told you!!

Faz: pleeeeease!! I can get you anything you want of Maxi's!!

Jerry: Really?!

Faz: Yes!! I live with that smug asshole!

Jerry: *thinks about it* .... fine, but you didn't hear it from me.

Faz: Yes! What do you want?

Jerry: I want Max's underwear. He lends me clothes, but I want his underwear!!

Faz: Okay fine. Now tell me-

Jamey: oi. What are you guys doing here?

Jerry: *jumps* O-oh so t-that was on yesterday's test?! I-I'll be sure to turn it in!! Hey Jamey! *runs off*

Jamey: *raises an eyebrow*

Faz: *whines* Why is everyone afraid of you?

Jamey: I'm.... sorry?

Faz: You better be.


Faz: Do you know?

Max: Yeah, it's pretty Obvious.

Faz: Tell me!

Max: Nah, figure it out on your own.

Faz: Rude!!


Faz: What could it be? 

Jamey: Hey Faz. Heading outside?

Faz: Yeah.

Jamey: I'll join.

Faz: *glances at him and glares intensely* What is your secret?!

Jamey: He's adorable, but I'm sorry, you're so dumb when it comes to love. That's what I fucking love about you~


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