Scent (reversed au/Alpha/beta/omega au)

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Jamey: *rubs his scent all over Reverse Faz*

Faz: *happily enjoying it*

Felix: stop it. Your scent is over powering my omegas scent.

John: *snuggles into him*

Faz: *glares at him*

Felix: *glares back* (I think Felix was a beta and then you turned him into omega?)

Max: Calm down both of you...

Faz+Felix: S-sorry.

Jerry: *hugs Max and kisses his neck* Mark me.

Max: *hugs him smiling and nibbles on his neck*

Jamey: *smiling*

John: Cute! I wanna mark you! *looks at Felix*

Felix: hm.. fine.

John: *preens and starts nibbling his neck*

Jamey: *looks at Faz with puppy dog eyes*

Faz: No.

Jamey: *whines and rubs himself on him more*

Faz: *huffs* If you think your smell is gonna change my answer think ag-

Jamey: *looks at him sadly*

Faz: *groans at the sudden change of smell and hugs him* Sorry sorry.


Felix: Who's the alpha of this household again?

Max: Me! *smiling*

Jerry: It's Max.

Felix: Max is an omega.

Jerry: Yes, but he's in charge of all of you.

Faz: But We're still very dangerous to him.

Jerry: Duh. But I can easily overpower you. *glaring at them*

Max: *nibbling on Jamey's neck*

Jamey: *holding him close giggling* I'm ticklish!

John: Me next! Me next!

Not reversed, but it's still cute

Mike: It's very dangerous to walk around smelling like that.

Nat: Huh? *looks at him and realizes* Oh my god! *realizes he's been in heat*

Mike: *gets closer to him* You know how many people are staring at you lustfully right now?

Nat: n-no!

Mike: *looks at him* you aren't running away... that's very dangerous with someone like me. *puts his hand on his shoulder*

Nat: I-I was buying suppressants!! *shows him the bottle*

Mike: take one. Right now. *squeezes him*

Nat: *opens it up and takes two*

Mike: *let's go of him calming down* Jeez. You could've been raped.

Nat: *laughs a bit nervously* M-my name is Nat.

Mike: .... I just had the urge to claim you, yet you're introducing yourself?

Nat: You scared away all the other alphas!

Mike: That means I'm dangerous!!

Nat: I can pay for this stuff and we can go out.

Mike: .......... fine.


Nat: What did my scent smell like to you?

Mike: *blushes a bit* Donuts.

Nat: Really?! What flavor?

Mike: *grumbles* Like strawberry, but then it smelled like glaze.

Nat: *laughs a bit* You're very nice for a alpha who's around an omega in literal heat.

Mike: I can still smell you faintly, but I'm fine.


Ehh still new to this

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