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Jamey: Faz! I got a call from... The hospital.. yeah the hospital!!

Faz: Oh! What is it?

Jamey: I need to do surgery. Some guy was impaled my glass shards in a car crash. *putting on his coat*

Faz: Oh no! *gives him his bag* Do well!!

Jamey: *kisses him and pulls away leaving* I will!

Faz: *smiles waving bye*


Faz: Welcome back! How was the surgery?

Jamey: Surgery?

Faz: the surgery? The one you got called in for?

Jamey: oh yeah... it went great! He'll be up and running again in about a month.

Faz: *raises an eyebrow*


Faz: Jerry was gone too?

Max: Yeah. Think they're fucking?

Faz: Nah. Not Jamey with Jerry.

Max: Hm...

Faz: Let's follow them the next time!!

Max: okay.

~ Next week ~

Jamey: Emergency call Fazzy!!

Faz: Another surgery?

Jamey: Accidents babe.

Faz: True... okay! Don't stay out too late!~ *kisses his cheek*

Jamey: Hopefully I won't. *kisses his forehead and leaves*

Faz: *calls Max* He's on the move.

Max: Jerry too.

Faz: What excuse did he come up with?

Max: *deadpans* He said he was gonna get groceries when he literally had me get them from the car.

Faz: *laughs a bit*


Jerry: Hi Jamey!

Jamey: hm.

Jerry: They're waiting for us~ *pulls him into a store*

Max+Faz: *hiding with disguises on*

Faz: What shop did they go to?

Max: it's.... Shari's nails and spa

Faz: What?

Max+Faz: *heads over peeking through the window*

Jerry: We're here!!

Lucifer: bout time. *puts down his magazine*

Jerry: Jamey took forever.

Jamey: I didn't really wanna go.

Angelo: I know! I know! *puts down his magazine too* How come you always take off the nail polish?

Jamey: I don't like nail polish!! I only wanted to work on my hair!!! *growls*

Lucifer: Stop being such a bitch. *glares at him*

Woman: You guys ordered the spa special right?

Lucifer: Yes.

Angelo: Family bonding time!!

Lucifer: Ah one sec. *opens the door* You guys can stop spying now!

Max+Faz: *jumps*

Jamey: Faz?

Jerry: Maxi?


Jamey: I didn't want you to find out this way.

Faz: *laughs a bit* It's cute that you're spending time with one another

Jerry: Angie thought of the idea! *smiles*

Max: Why did you lie baby?

Jerry: It's a bit embarrassing to say that we're going to do some family bonding.

Lucifer: Whatever gets my hair done is alright with me.

Angelo: Lucy really likes it the first time we tried it! *smiles*


They do it once a week now!

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