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Jaz: *crying drunkly*

Jazzy: Good to know you haven't changed.

Jaz: He hates me! H-he does! *hiccups sobbing*

Jax: *drinking a milkshake slowly* What'd you do?

Jaz: W-we got i-into a fight a-about Duckie. *wipes his tears* I-I was so angry, I left and came here!

Jazzy: Well... you needed to cool off.

Jaz: He hates me... He so hates me.

Jax: He doesn't and he won't.

Jaz: How are you so DAMN sure?!

Jax: Because I know you and I know him! He's my brother Jaz!! Him and Marco knew each other for years!!

Jaz: .....ok. *sips his beer*

Jazzy: You're basically overreacting.

Jaz: *whines*


Jaz: *bites his nail staring at his front door* ..... *opens it*

Antonio: *jumps up and looks at him* Master!

Jaz: ... have you been waiting here this whole time?

Antonio: yes! *tears up hugging him*

Jaz: *tears up too* I'm sorry!! *hugs back tight*


I need to write more about my original babies

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