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"You look so tense" Faz jumped a bit as he turned to his brother. "Max. Don't scare me like that!" He hit him across the arm. Max rolled his eyes and smiled. "You're scared aren't you?" Faz shook his head rapidly. "I-I am not!!" Max gave him a quick hug and grabbed his hand. "Hey, at least you get to meet your soon to be husband. I was just married off before I met my wife" Max told him and pulled Faz softly out of his bedroom. "That's true.. but you're meeting her today right?" Faz asked walking past the guards. "Who says it's a woman? Not me. I never liked woman anyways!" Max huffs crossing his arms. Faz smiled sadly. "Sorry, I know you hate to bring her up"

Max sighed and scratched his head. "Yeah yeah, Let's talk about something else now." Faz nodded and sighed. "I wonder who he's gonna be..." He bit his bottom lip worried. "What if I don't like him? What if he's really mean and just wants to marry me for royalty?" Faz whined. Max laughed at him. "Like our father would find someone like that! You know he only picks the best for us" Faz deadpanned. "Yes by not telling us until the day of the wedding" he grumbled. Max laughed a bit nervously, "eh you got me there, he's not really the best"

They kept talking as they arrived at the entrance of their castle. "Finally!" A soldier exclaimed. "You two took forever!" He took off his helmet and his red hair gleamed out. "Sorry Alex" Max told him. "You're royalty for goodness sake. You need to arrive earlier" Alex told him and pinches his cheek. "Bitch" Max mumbled when he let go. "Oh my apologies your spoiledness!" Alex bowed and flicked his forehead when he got back up. "Max! Alex!!" A voice boomed from behind them. Faz squeaked when he realized who it belonged to and all three of them stood straight. The king, aka their father, walked towards them. "You're newly weds have arrived. Be on your best behavior" He glared at all of them.

Learning that they should've walked to the throne room instead of the front entrance settled into their minds and all three of them quickly went back to the throne room. Faz and Max sat in their chairs. "I'm scared" Faz mumbled to Max. "I don't think I'm ready" Max squeezes his shoulder and offered a comforting smile. "You are. Don't be scared" Max told him softly. Just then the doors opened and a tall man came striding in, followed behind by a smaller boy. "Welcome" The king told them. The two boys bowed their heads. The tallest one spoke first. "My name is Jamey Haylel the first" He glances towards Faz. "I am to be wedded to Faz Wilde the third" He looked towards Max and Faz. Faz could feel his long sturdy stare and it sent an excited shiver down his spine. The smaller boy held his head up high. "My name is Jerry Haylel the second" He smiled. "I'm here to meet my husband, Max Wilde the Second" his big emerald eyes stared at Max. Max shifted slightly in his seat and Faz could tell he was a bit excited.


At night Faz was changing into his night gown when he heard a knock at the door. "Come in" he said in a quiet tone. The door opened and green hair poked it's way through. Faz's eyes went wide and stood up quickly. "M-master Jamey!" He said quickly. Jamey laughed a bit. "I never liked the formal talk. Just call me Jamey. We are getting married after all" He walked in and closed the door softly. Faz nodded a bit wondering why he was in his room. "D-did you come to visit me?" Faz said softly looking everywhere, but him.

He could hear Jamey walk over to him and grab ahold of his hands. "Yes I did, I know it's bad luck to see the person your marrying before the marriage, but... Your beautiful" He held his face and Faz felt his face flush red.

Meanwhile Max and Jerry were getting well acquainted with each other. "You looked so formal!" Max exclaimed. Jerry laughed. "I hate being so formal, it's awful" He held Max's hand tightly. "You're so pretty" Max said and held him close. "That's not very prince like~" Jerry told him and kissed his cheek. Max smiled and kissed his cheek back. "You know, We never went to our honeymoon" Jerry looked at him with mischief in his eyes. "Oh I did, the butler took your position" Max frowned. "You ruined it" He told him making Jerry laugh. "I'm sorry! Please don't leave" he snickered and held onto him. Making Max grab his face and giving him a kiss.


Something I wanted to write

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