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Angelo: He's wearing my dress!

Zane: No he's not! We're buying him a nice white sparkly one!!

Angelo: What?! My dress is beautiful enough!!

Zane: *looks at Damien* Dear, would you rather be a fairy princess? *holds up his dress* or a pig in rags? *motions to Angelo's dress*

Damien: I'm a pig?-

Angelo: My dress is not rags!!

Zane: Really? I couldn't tell!

Jamey: *holding Honey Jr* Jesus mary and joseph. *gives the baby to Damien and takes both dresses ripping them up*

Damien: Ooh.

Angelo+Zane: *jaw drops*

Jamey: *goes over to a sewing machine and starts sewing them together*

Angelo: *looks at him work*

Zane: *also looking*

Jamey: Done. *holds it up* (picture above, unless you can't see it)

Damien: *claps his hands* I love it!!

Honey Jr: *babbles happily clapping*

Zane: *crosses his arms huffing*

Angelo: My dress...

Jamey: you drove me to do this. It's both of your faults

Here's the photo again if the top photo isn't there and if both photos aren't visible wattpad can go suck a fucking dick

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