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~ At a restaurant ~

Jamey: John. Can I talk to you?

John: .. sure?

Jamey: *kisses Faz's cheek and grabs John's arm dragging him towards the restaurant*

Faz: *smiles*

Felix: *raises an eyebrow at him*

John: ow! Jamey what's wrong?

Jamey: *let's go of him pushing him up against the wall* I know.

John: I-I don't know what you're talking about!!

Jamey: You're a demon!! Why are you a demon?!!! Did you literally make a deal with my dad?!!! *shakes him*

John: I did I'm sorry!!!!

Jamey: *slaps him* You fucking idiot!!

John: ow!! *slaps him back*

Jamey: ow!! *slaps him again*

John: *grabs his arms growling*

Jamey: *growls back*


Faz: I wonder what's taking them so long. *eating his sushi*

Felix: Yeah. John never misses eating new things.

Faz: huh.

Jamey: *opens the restroom door brushing himself off*

John: *following after glaring*

Faz: *sees them* Woah!

Felix: Are you guys okay?

John: just fine.

Felix: You're arm is broken!!

John: *looks at it* so it is. *bends it back groaning* S-see? F-fine. *sits down*

Jamey: *sits down too* Let's just enjoy dinner.

Faz+Felix: *glances at each other*

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