Jake: I found a couple guys, barely any girls. So weird.

Damien: If I was a girl that had to milk a cow, I wouldn't.

*rustling in the bushes*

Jake+Damien: *both turn only to get squirted with a suspicious liquid*

Sai: *laughs jumping up* You got pranked!!

Jake: Please tell me this is water.

Sai: Well... it used to be water, but then my cat drank it and-

Damien: *cracks his knuckles glaring daggers at him*

Sai: *jumps a bit at that*

Jake: How old are you?

Sai: How old are YOU?

Jake: Hm.

Damien: Let's just go.

Sai: * Takes a picture of them* hashtag- you've been sprayed by the master.

Damien: *about to punch him*

Jake: *holding him back* H-hey do you have a girlfriend?

Sai: *looks at him* eh? Stai flirtando con me? (Are you flirting with me?)

Jake: um...

Damien: Italian.

Sai: Sono sorpreso che tu lo sappia. (I'm surprised you know that)

Jake: He'll do well!

Sai: *raises an eyebrow*

Jake: Hey! Meet us at this address please?! *gives him their house address*

Damien: Jakey please don't be so trusting.

Sai: How do you even know I'll show up.

Jake: I wanna set you up with my big brother!

Sai: ok, ora sono interessato (okay, now I'm interested)

Jake: I'll take that as a yes! *grabs Damien's hand walking away*

Sai: .... that's strange, I feel like I'm becoming a part of something terrible.

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