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Max: I found out that Jellyfish's don't have brains.

Jerry: eh?! I have a brain!

Jamey: They also don't have hearts.

Jerry: I have a heart!!

Faz: Well if you do I can't see it. *looks through him*

Jerry: You guys are so mean!! *wraps his tentacles around them and electrocutes them*


Max: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Jerry: *looking away angrily*

Jamey: You want me to pee on you too?

Max: What the fuck?! Gross?!!

Faz: But pee is the thing that helps the burns.

Max: .... *looks at both of them* .... Don't tell me-?

Faz: *blushing*

Jamey: *shrugs*

Jerry: *trying not to laugh*

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