The masked stranger

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"Why am I getting dragged here?" Faz asked Max who was pulling him towards a night bar. "Because you're my friend/brother and I need you right now" Max answered. Faz patted his arm and sighed. "True" he mumbled to himself and watched as Max showed the bouncer their ID's. Once he let them in they were introduced to darkness followed by streaming colorful lights on the ceiling. Faz was to mesmerized with the lights he almost let go of Max's hand. Almost.

Max tugged him over to a booth and called over a waiter. Faz stared at the tall man wearing a green mask as he made his way over. "What can I get you?" He asked in a deep voice. Faz shivered a bit at the tone. "Strongest alcoholic drink you got!!" Max said happily. The man nodded and headed back over to the bar where another waiter greeted him who was also wearing a mask, but he was wearing an all black mask. "Maxi are you okay?" Faz asked Max when he saw the boy no longer wore a smile on his face. Max glanced at him and sighed. "No, I'm not. I broke up with my girlfriend" He slumped down in his seat. "Again?" Faz gasped slightly. Max grumbled and shoved his face in his hands. "I don't know why I keep going back with her!!" Faz nodded a bit. "Well, I haven't dated one in awhile... so I can't really imagine what's like, but this girl is bad news. She cheated on you more times then I can count! And she still wants to be with you?" Faz crossed his arms at him.

A cough interrupted their conversation. They both looked up thinking it was the green masked dude, but this time it was the guy with the black mask. "Uh.. here are your drinks" He said softly putting down two alcoholic drinks. He smiles softly and a warm feeling swept through both Max and Faz. "Pardon me for eavesdropping, but for what it's worth. I think you're pretty hot and I don't know why anyone would give you up" he grinned at Max happily and started walking away. Faz glanced at Max watching as he started turning pink. "You know he was a guy right?" Faz teased. Max looked at him a bit startled before elbowing him. "D-duh! Of course I-I know!" His face was all red and he downed his drink.

"Easy there tiger" The deep voice boomed in front of them. Max choked on his drink at the sudden intrusion and quickly ran to the bathroom. "Oi" The man asked and snapped his fingers towards Faz. Faz blinked and realized he's been staring at him. "O-oh! Sorry!" Faz blushed a bit embarrassed. "I said, are you gonna be ordering anything else?" Faz shook his head and The man nodded starting to turn away. "Uh wait!" Faz got up making the man stop and look at him, Faz couldn't explain it, but he a warmness. "I-I'll go order something at the bar" He answered quickly. "Alright" he spoke and Faz shivered slightly again. His voice was so calming and threatening at the same time, he had to admit it made him blush and get a little turned on by it.

The man went behind the bar as Faz sat in the stool. "My name is Faz" he found himself saying. The man looked at him a bit and Faz couldn't tell what expression he was making. "My name is Haylel" He said. "That sounds like a last name" Faz smiled. "You are correct" He answered. Faz looked around. "Where's your friend?" He asked. Haylel looked at his watch and back at him. "He's on his break" He went back to cleaning his cups and Faz went to being silent.


A good... maybe forty-five minutes passed and Faz was just watching Haylel pack away cups, serving sets of snacks and beer mugs to the drunken guys around before realizing something. "Oh my god Max has been in the bathroom for-" He glanced at the clock, "forty-five minutes?!!" He gasped and got out of his seat making his way through the crowd. Conspicuously, Haylel looked around as well for his friend. "Damnit. I bring you to work one time and you're already grinding up on some random drunkie" he murmured to himself.

Faz slammed opened the door to see Max crying into the waiter from before. Faz blinked watching them for a bit. "There there" He told Max and patted his back. Faz sighed in relief. "I thought he was getting raped" He said mostly to himself, but the waiter caught it. "Actually, We had sex way before you came in." He told him smiling and lowering down his shirt to show him the bite marks. Max cleared his throat feeling embarrassed. "Faz, this is... Haylel" Max told him smiling nervously. Faz blinked and shook his head. "What? No... but the man with the green mask-"

"Is my brother" Haylel #2 interrupted him. "Since he's older he is referred to Haylel #1" He patted Max on the head. "We're not allowed to distribute our real names, but we decided to go with our last names" he giggled. "There you are" a knowing deep voice came from behind Faz. Faz jumped and looked behind him before realizing it wasn't Haylel #1. "Where have you been baby?" A random man slurred at Faz. Faz froze up a bit realizing, this man was drunk and he was mistaking him for his girlfriend. The man grabbed Faz's waist and Faz snapped out of his frozen state. "Hey let go of me!" He said and brought his hand to slap the drunkie. Instead the drunkie caught it and pulled him closer. "Let go of him!!" Haylel #2 yelled at him and quickly took out his cellphone. The drunkie brought him in closer for a kiss making Faz sick. He shut his eyes waiting for something to happen, instead two arms were wrapped around him and pulling him in close protectively. Faz opened his eyes and saw Max hugging him, he then looked back at the drunkie who was pressed against the wall by none other then haylel #1. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Max repeated to him as he hugged him close. "I was frozen, I didn't do anything to save you, I-I'm so sorry" Faz held Max tightly as he stared at Haylel #1. He could see Haylel #2 explaining something to him while holding a cellphone in his hand. Faz was pretty sure he was imagining it, but he could see Haylel #1 glancing at him occasionally with a vague look of concern. Faz felt his cheeks heat up and stood up with the help of Max.

"Let's go home" Max said and ushered him outside.


Faz waited patiently in the car as he watched Max talk to Haylel #2. They laughed softly together and he could clearly see Haylel #2 write something on a napkin before giving it to him. Max waved bye and got into the car, the passenger seat car, after all he did drink. Faz started up the car and glanced at him. "You got his phone number huh?" He asked. "Not just his though" Max said smirking a bit. "I got his weird brother's too" Faz huffed a bit watching the road. "He's not weird! H-he's pretty.... hot" Faz softly said the last bit blushing. "Oooh~ Do do you want it or not?~" Max teased. "Yes I do" Faz mumbled back.


"You seemed pretty protective there Jamey" Haylel #2 told Jamey. "Shut up" He muttered as he cleaned up the bar. "You didn't need to shut down the bar though" He told him. "Well you-" he points at him. "Jerry. Didn't need to grind up against his friend" Jerry blushed. "He.. actually asked first" Jamey stopped sweeping and looked at him. "Eh?" He simply said. "He asked" Jerry smiled a bit blushing again. "He was crying softly into the mirror when I came in to wash my hands. He recognized me and I could tell he was hurting, So I asked him if he wanted, y'know, Sexual relief and he asked me, me!, if I was okay with it" He blushed more smiling happily. "No one's ever asked me that" Jamey stared at him. "You fell hard" He told him. Jerry stabbed him with the broom handle and went back to sweeping. Jamey rubbed hi stomach wincing a bit before remembering back.

"My name is Faz!"

"That's sounds like a last name"

He was just staring and looking at Jamey in wonder. Jamey could feel his cheeks heat up. "Why was he so cute?" He muttered. "You mean the guy with the pudgy hair?" Jerry interrupted him. "Stay out of my conversations!!" Jamey yelled out.


Wanted to write this out because I felt like writing some gooood shit about our boys, especially at 2:00 now 3:00 😤👌

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