A bit of a rant

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Okay so this isn't about me, it's about my mother. And this is not me hating my dad or anything. I love my parents both, It's just I know my Mother more then anybody, I know when something is wrong, I know when she likes something, I remember her birthday every year and what day it is, heck I even know her favorite color is pink and I even know what year she was born and how old she is!!

The thing is, My dad works so late at night and he works in the afternoons too and I feel so bad. He's been disappearing more often because of work, but on his days off he's golfing too!! Which brings me to why I'm talking to My Mother. This night, the one right now, May 22nd, I saw my Mother alone in her bed on her phone. I felt sad. Only because she looked so lonely, it's like when my sisters go to sleep with her when they get scared and she promises to bring them back to their bed, but she never does because she's really lonely when my dad isn't around.

She started texting me at night and sending me silly emoji's before telling me goodnight. She probably thought I would talk to her more because I've been asking her things about the cat because my sisters wanted to sleep with him. When I didn't that's when she started texting. I feel so bad and sad for her. I also feel complex emotions towards my dad, it's not his fault he has to work for a living, but he could enjoy spending his days off with us instead of golfing, not saying he doesn't, but he's mostly in the garage working on some kind of golfing net thing that's wasted a bunch of money. So it's complicated.

I don't know what to think of it, but I love my Mom and I love my Dad. I want them to know that and I really hope they do

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