Zane: What do you need me to sign?

Damien: Field trip papers.

Zane: ah... Wait why me? I'm not your parent.

Damien: Just sign it. I've been using Honey's last name.

Zane: *rolls eyes and signs his name* There.

Damien: Ha! These were adoption papers!! I'm now officially your son!!!

Zane: What?!!


Zane: Why do you wanna be my son?

Damien: because I love you. *hugs him*

Zane: ew ew ew. Why would anyone ever think that?

Honey: *clears his throat raising an eyebrow.

Zane: I'm kidding!! I'm kidding!!


Satan: You did what?!!

Damien: What? I've got two families now!!

Satan: But you're no longer a HAYLEL!!

Angelo: Our best bet is to start fresh with Ellie.

Satan: *grumbles* True. *takes Ellie*

Angelo: noo my baby!! *takes her back*

Satan: Fine! I wanna hold her next though!!

Damien: huh. Surprisingly easy, but in a way so sad...


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