Genderbend au

Mia: *turns on the tv*

News guy: Breaking news! Someone just got into a fight with an octopus at the aquarium.

Mia: *raises an eyebrow* What kind of moron would get into a fight with an octopus?

Kerry: *enters the room* Well maybe that octopus was being a dick! *covered in ink*

Mia: *sighs* My moron would.


Mia: Kerry I'm pregnant! *shows her big belly*

Kerry: What?! T-that's wonderful!!

Mia: *pulls out the pillow* Just kidding!

Kerry: you're so mean!!


Kerry: *holding a fake statue baby* Mia! I adopted a baby!

Mia: you did what?

Kerry: *runs over to her* Look! *fake trips and shatters the baby*

Mia: *mouth drops looking horrified*

Kerry: *laughs* It's fake!!

Mia: *goes red embarrassed and growls at her*


Coco: You have a real baby here. *holds up Amelia*

Amelia: *babbles*

Kerry: true. *holds her*

Mia: *kisses her cheek* So cute.

Coco: but if we are discussing pregnancy.... I'm pregnant myself!!

Mia: Yeah right.

Kerry: Sorry coco! But you can't trick us!

Coco: *shrugs and walks off patting her belly* Maybe I'll tell them again later.


No Coco's not pregananant. Is a joke I used to fit the ending

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