Zoo! Zoo! Zoo!

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Olive: You told us we were going to the zoo!!

Oil: Liar!!

Jamey: This is technically the zoo. *hiking up the mountain with them*

Faz: I'm so happy to be outdoors again.

Jake: *hiking up besides them* I'm guessing this is part of my training.

Jamey: you bet! But also just to enjoy the scenery.

Olive: Jake carry us!! *hops on his back*

Oil: Me too! *follows Olive*

Jake: *groans carrying them both*

Jamey: We're almost at the top!

Olive: Good my feet are killing me.

Jake: y-you're feet you say?

Faz: Olive, Oil get off of Jake.

Oil+Olive: *whines getting off*


Jamey: Let's eat something.

Olive: Food!!

Oil: I'm hungry!!

Faz: *takes out two fishing rods*

Jake: Oh are we gonna catch fish?

Jamey: No we're not, we're gonna eat the rods- of course we're gonna catch fish. *takes one*

Jake: *takes the other pouting*

Faz: *smiles at them*

Olive+Oil: We wanna help!!

Jamey: No, you'll just scare the fish away.

Olive: Rude!!

Oil: Meanie!!


Jake: *casts his fishing line into the water*

Jamey: Is this your first time fishing?

Jake: Yeah actually.

Jamey: Then you can watch me. *casts his line in too*

Jake+Jamey: *just waits*


Olive: Daaad!! I'm gonna starve to death!

Oil: *laying on him* I'm already dead.

Faz: Have patience.

Olive: We're kids, we have no patience.

Jamey: Shut up! You're gonna scare the fish away.

Oil: so mean. *pouts with Olive*

Faz: *pats their heads* there there.


They did catch a Fish, but Faz ate it raw

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