Muddy: *pinches Jared's cheeks*

Jared: *whines* Muddy!

Muddy: you're so cute. Let's have sex.

Jared: *blushes* okay.

Muddy: still getting flustered huh?~


Muddy: Get out the dildos and other stuff.

Jared: you want me to use this stuff on you?

Muddy: *giggles* don't be silly. I'm going use em on you!

Jared: ... what.

Muddy: *smiles holding up a strap-on*


Axel: I was wondering why it was so noisy.

Charry: *laughs* I thought it was Axel making you moan like that!~

Rage: Be nice! *smacks him*

Charry: ow! *grumbles* Bitch.

Charcoal: *blushes lightly* W-wow! H-how cute!

Muddy: *hums pressing her body against his chest* Aren't you just a cutie?

Jared: *blushing hard* N-no.

Muddy: *thrusts into him* Repeat?

Jared: *bites back his moan* y-yes.

Muddy: *smiles kissing him softly*

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