See anything?

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Kerry: *straightens out her hair smiling and walks to her room* Mia~ Do you notice anything new about me?

Mia: *drinking a beer* uhhh...

Kerry: I thought you q-

Mia: *puts a finger to her lips* w-wait d-don't tell me!! *hic* uhhhhh...

Kerry: *deadpans*

Mia: Uhh... *hic* Y-you're boobs are b-bigger! *drinks more beer*

Kerry: That was a long time ago!! *flips her hair* I straightened out my hair!!

Mia: Ohhhhhhh- y-you l-look like... like... *hiccups* J-Jammy. *lays down on the floor*

Kerry: Jammy doesn't have straight hair!

Coco: Mistress, she's asleep.

Mia: *passed out on the ground*

Kerry: Aw~ She sleeps so soundly. *kisses her cheek throwing a blanket on her and sits on the bed* I'll show her when she wakes up.

Coco: That's only when I'm done with you~

Kerry: *looks at her blushing a bit* C-can it wait?

Coco: Nope~ *pounces on her on the bed*

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