Faz: I'll do it!

John: thank you.

Faz: *smiles*


Angelo: What have you got for me this time Fazzy?

Faz: Great grandkids! *shows photos of sax, Jackie, Duckie, Jared, Jay, etc*

Angelo: More Grandkids?!!! *takes them and hums grabbing John's soul*

Faz: Thanks Angie! *takes it*


John: I'll surprise Felix with this. *gives Faz a raw salmon* thanks again Faz! *runs off to his house*

Faz: *bites into it happily*


Angelo: *hums putting the photos in his photo album*

Lucifer: Angelo!!! Did you trade off another soul for pictures of our family again?!!!

Angelo: Maybe~

Lucifer: I'm getting a new secretary.

Angelo: *gasps* you cheat!! Just punish me instead!! You rarely do that anymore!!

Lucifer: Fine!!


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