
3 2 1

Max: What-

John: Look Max!

John 2: There's two of us!

Max: But you don't have cloning powers!!

John: Maybe maybe! You could be losing your mind!

John 2: Or maybe you're just drunk!

Max: *looks in his hands seeing two bottles of beer* What?!

John: Ha! You're drunk!!

Max: I'm not drunk!! I don- ohhhh god. *hiccups and falls back into water*

John: *laughs*

Max: *sits up coughing* W-what is happening?! Why am I in a river?!!

Jerry: Max are you okay?

Max: Jerry?

Jerry: You were freaking out on the ground, I thought you were having a seizure so I called Jamey over.

Jamey: Do you have a fever?

Max: You don't see John?! *points where John is but realize he's gone*

Jerry: No? That's a lamp...

Max: .........


Jake: and Jerry thought he had a seizure?

John: yep! *laughs*

Jake: *stifles his laugh* D-dad! That's so mean!

John: I love my new power.


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