Make it up

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Lucifer stretched out and crossed his arms. "Why did you call us?" He said. Faz smiled and showed them a brochure, "we're going to the most romantic place in the world! Paris!!" Faz exclaimed. Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "So?" Angelo smiled excitedly. "You want us to come?!" He asked. Faz nodded smiling and pointed to their packed bags. Angelo squealed and shook Lucifer. "Lucy can we go?! Pleeeease?!" He begged and lucifer grabbed him. "Not with my busy schedule!" Lucifer huffed. Angelo whines. "Leave it to Marcus!" Angelo answered. "Right Marcus!" He replied. "Good ol marcus" Lucifer looked at Faz and nodded. "Fine. We'll go"


Jamey carried his two sleepy boys to their hotel room and unlocked the door. Lucifer who was carrying his wife and his son's wife followed behind him. "Why couldn't we have taken Hell express? We would've gotten a lot faster there" Lucifer complained. "I don't want the boys on a devil train." Jamey answered and held the door open for him. Lucifer rolled his eyes heading in and carefully putting Angelo on the bed. Jamey put the boys in the bed and took Faz from him. "Does this thing even have a mini bar or fridge??" Jamey pointed to the kitchen as he tucked in his family. Lucifer got heading over and tsking when he found no beer. "Damnit. This place doesn't even serve beer"

"Of course it doesn't! I'm not made of money" Jamey told him. "You literally are!! You work as a doctor!!" He shouted. "SSH!" Jamey shushed him and closed the door to their room. "I don't drink in front of my boys!!" He whispered-shouted at him. "Why do we always fight on vacations?!" Lucifer told him. "We don't go on vacations!! At least not with you! I'm just so tired!" Jamey answered angrily. "Then go to bed!" He replied. "I will!" Jamey stomped back to the room opening the door and softly closing it.

~ Morning time ~

Oil pulled on Jamey's shirt whining. "Daddy I'm still hungry!" He says. "Baby it's an all you can eat breakfast." Jamey replied and drank his coffee. Oil's eyes lit up and rushed back to the breakfast line. Faz was happily getting as much pancakes as possible, Lucifer was pouring liquor in his coffee from a flask, Angelo was happily eating his eggs next to him and Olive was watching cartoons on the hotel TV. Jamey looked at his watch. "We leave in 10 minutes Family"  We have a whole day planned of activities in Paris!!" Jamey smiled. Lucifer rolled his eyes and drank all his coffee. "Sure, Let's all have fun" Lucifer answered grumpily as Angelo smiled. They'll all get to do something as a family.


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