What are you doing?

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Angelo: *yawns* Lucy it's really dark out. What are you doing?

Lucifer: First off I don't sleep. Second of all this is hell, it's always morning. Third of all I'm making people fall in love with me. Starting with our kids husbands/wives.

Angelo: *snickers* That's cruel. *gets in his lap*

Lucifer: I know~ *wraps arms around him*


Max: Jerry it happened again!!

Jerry: He's definitely doing it on purpose.


Jamey: Don't stand in my way. *carrying holy water with a glove on*

Faz: N-no! It's my fault for getting a boner!!

Jamey: *turns red growling* He's doing it on purpose!!! *snarls at him*


John: I had a weird dream last night.

Felix: Me too.

John: Strange.


Nat: I'm scared? But I'm also not.

Mike: *whines* Why did you have that dream?

Nat: I don't know!! But I only love you! *hugs him tight*


Angelo: I can hear them screaming.

Lucifer: Music to my ears.

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