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Jake: *opens the door* Hello!

Kids: *stops and looks at him*

Jake: Hi! I'm the first member of this club!

Boy: ahh welcome. You must be Jake.

Jake: *nods* Who are you?

Boy: My name is Sai, I'm the guy who started this club.

Jake: Nice to meet you. Ah that's an adorable baby you're holding!

Sai: This is Tank. *holds him out*

Tank: *sticks tongue out at him*

Jake: *beams* So cute!

Sai: *laughs a bit* We only have one other child here right now. Mimi!

Mimi: *hiding underneath the toy table*

Sai: *looks around*

Jake: *spots her* Ah hello! You mist be mimi. *walks over and crouches down*

Mimi: *gets scared and backs up*

Jake: You don't have to be afraid. I really like your dress.

Mimi: *beams at him and smiles* My mommy mad em fir me!

Jake: *nods* She's very skillful! *smiles*

Mimi: My mommy do al sort of tings!

Sai: eh she's so comfortable with you now. It took me a whole day before she could warm to me.

Mimi: cuz ur so meanie! *points at him*

Jake: So mean you say?

Sai: I'm not mean!

Tank: Me!! *points at him*

Sai: Not you too!


Damien: How was it?

Jake: They were so cute!!

Damien: *pouts and lays against him*

Jake: Na Na. *pets him* You'll always be my number one.

Damien: *hugs him tight* I better be.

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