Damien: I don't wanna!

Ellie: *sucking on her binkie*

Angelo: Pleeeeeease? We just need a small break!

Damien: Why'd you have her if you aren't ready for the responsibilities?!

Lucifer: Shut up and take her!! *gives Ellie to him*

Damien: *huffs and looks at her*

Ellie: *stares at him*

Damien: Well.. she is pretty cu-

Ellie: *throws up on him*

Damien: ........

Angelo: I-I'll get a new binkie a-and new clothes

Lucifer: *snorts covering his mouth*


Ellie: *crying*

Damien: Shut up!! *rings the doorbell*

Ester: *answers the door* Ah hello...

Ellie: *crying more*

Damien: Please let me in.

Ester: *steps aside*

Damien: *walks in*

Jake: *playing video games*

Damien: *slams open his bedroom door* Jakey help!!! *tears up* I think I'm gonna cry too!!

Jake: *jumps and looks at him*

Ellie: *still crying*

Jake: *puts down the controller and holds his arms out*

Damien: *gives Ellie to him*

Jake: *rocks her gently* there there.

Ellie: *slowly stops crying and hiccups*

Jake: Has she had anything to eat?

Damien: .... I don't think so.

Jake: Then that's why she's crying. *looks at him*

Damien: ah..

Ellie: *holds onto him*


Damien: *staring at him*

Jake: ah you wanna hold her?

Damien: ah sure.

Jake: *gives Ellie to him*

Ellie: *starts crying*

Damien: *whines and gives her back*

Jake: Don't worry. Just spend lots of time with her. *kisses his cheek*

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