Amazing FUCKING dream

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I had a dream that we were living in our tiny house and it was a party, but it wasn't just our family. It was mixed in with characters of the simpsons and for some reason I was lisa simpson! Then suddenly all these guys appeared in our house and they were all hot and handsome, We all talked and talked and pretty sure some of them had conflicted feelings for one another. So for some reason I was back to me and was wearing some kind of gothic dress. So I went outside to have some alone time and to just dance alone out in the side yard when a guy came up to me and grabbed me by the scruff of the neck. Clancy wiggems or however the fuck you spell his last name, came immediately and pointed his gun at the guy. There was a stand off, but then the guy shot me four times in the chest as Clancy "attempted" to catch him, but never did. As I headed towards my dad to go to the hospital the dream started ending, I didn't want to wake up at the best part so I fell back to sleep and had a different dream, but I don't remember it, Goodnight!!

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