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Eventually the girls arrive and although they know I had counselling, they don't mention it.

Which sometimes I am confused to whether or not I want them to ask, usually it's a no, but for some reason I want to talk about it today.

But I wont.

They both come rushing through the front door as the weather outside is actually becoming ridiculous. April showers has led to May showers apparently.

"That rain is no good for anything, honestly it makes so so sad that summer's not already here" Sage moans as soon as she gets through the door, hanging up her wet clothes over the radiator in the far corner of the room.

"You just don't like the fact you have to wear more clothes" Rose cheekily replies to Sage's despair at the weather.

"Yeah, well that is an element of it I guess" we all chuckle softly at Sage's admission.

Normally she would have told Rose to piss off at the suggestion but apparently she's not in the mood to argue today.

Sage is sort of our badass friend, she does what she likes and doesn't give a damn what others think.

which is quite similar to me but mainly because I get confused over who's opinions I'm supposed to care about and who's I'm not.

But yeah Sage's broke up with her boyfriend of three years about six months ago and ever since she has just been living her best life. If you understand what I mean.

I love this new side of her, it means she sometimes joins in on my "reckless" behaviour.

Not that Rose knows much about that side of us.

You see Rose is the innocent one, the kind one, who tells Sage when she's being too much and asks me every single day to tell her how I'm doing. Which is lovely but definitely shouldn't be her job.

She has big curly hair and a really pretty face which gets her attention from the boys but she always says that she's never been that interested.

Sage on the other hand gets plenty of attention from guys and you can't blame her for enjoying it, being in such a long relationship she says made her forget herself. So now she's finding herself in doing whatever makes her happy. Quite literally.

"So, I have a confession" both me and Rose turn to look at Sage. Oh goodness, this will be good. All Sage's confessions are just juicy story times.

"So, basically, Rose you know those guys in the café the other day? Sorry Nova you were busy, but basically me and Rose went to Linda's the café on Beach street, and we met these guys. Rose you remember right?"

Rose looked really uncomfortable for some reason and even more confusingly answered "vaguely.."

"Yes, you do that one guy really flirted with you, really fucking hot" Sage was annoyed at Rose's lack of enthusiasm but continued anyway.

"Well you know how the other guy was talking to me and was being really friendly, well I did some digging once we got home and it turns out I had slept with him and forgot! I can't believe it. Honestly, I knew I was sleeping around a bit but I can't believe I had forgotten that I had slept with him, like he was fit and I forgot until I saw his name."

Both me and Rose laughed at Sage's own disbelief at herself and both tried to convince her it wasn't a big deal. Believe me I couldn't remember all the guys I'd slept with in the past.

After convincing Sage that it was ok that she forgot. Reminding her that guys do it all the time and they aren't judged for it, Rose decided she had something to confess herself.

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