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Kay- idk- happy reading.

Left my house again today. Woo!!

Cole's POV

I got an email back about an interview.

In a few days.

But my face is still fucked.

So it doesn't really freaking say: hello, I am an alright lad please give me the fucking job thing now does it?

"You are going." Brandon tells me on the way to school.

I don't even know why I have to come anymore.

Exams are done, now it's literally just end of school bullshit.

"They wont even consider me, look at me."

"I am not being funny Cole, I don't care. You are going, you are going to impress them and make them give you a chance despite your fucking face."

I was convinced before the fight with that fucker that I wasn't going to mess this up.

But I literally look like a thug. Like my jaw is all bruised, my eye surrounded by a cloud of dirty yellow.

So obviously they aren't exactly going to be impressed with my appearance.

"Are you and Lottie sorted now?" I ask and he laughs a little.

"Yeah I think we are fine."

"You think?"

"Yeah we are fine on my side." He tells me.

But he was the one mad wasn't he?

"We are here Cole." Brandon laughs and me and I sigh, looking at the building.

Since Noves not been here, school's been so boring.

Like tragically so.

And my friends are all confused where she is and what is going on and I don't know what to say to them. Like at all.

"We finish early." I say. "Are you at Dad's office this afternoon? Can I come down and do something productive?"

He grins at that. "Yeah come down it'll be good."

"Okay." I nod. "I'll see you."

Getting out of the car I walk towards stairs and just feel like a fucking prick.

You know when you react to something and then you get this idea in your head and it's really fucking hard to get out of it?

That is what happened with the Nova thing.

But when people are repeatedly telling you, that you are a stupid ass you listen.

And so yeah, I am a stupid ass.

But I've fucked it now so I don't know what to do.

I tried to explain it to Ivy. She just said that if Nova hasn't actually said she wants to see me in hospital then I shouldn't assume that she does.

So now I feel like a cock because I haven't seen her and because I want to.

I don't know what the fuck to do.

It's literally been over a week now as well.

"You are in a mood." Linc says immediately as I walk up to him and Rose and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Nah I am alright, what are you doing here?" I ask to Rose.

If I sound disapproving then I am. What the fuck are you doing Lincoln?

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