Mycroft oneshot - fishnets

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Mycroft -

Due to the nature of his job and also his unquestioning devotion to you, Mycroft has a considerable amount of disposable income which he uses to refresh your wardrobe at least twice a year. His cold personality leads some people to believe that he doesn't enjoy the simple things in life, but his face when you get dressed up in a new set of clothes is like a child on christmas day... The Holmes brothers had always had impeccable taste in fashion so you couldn't be happier for your boyfriend to buy your new clothes.

It was the night before Mycroft was to take you on your next shopping spree and in the dimming light of the evening, you were kneeling on the floor digging through clothes you were ready to donate to charity. The space in the wardrobe was so big it could swallow you... It was a large, antique, oak wardrobe with ornate carvings down the large doors which felt as if Narnia would appear on the other side if you leant too far in. You smiled as each different item of clothing brought back different memories: The dress Mycroft bought you for the work outing, the jumper you wore on bonfire night when he almost set fire to his tousers! As you dug through old boxes and hangers, you suddenly pulled out something you didn't recognise. It was a small, twisted piece of fabric that appeared to be made of woven or intertwined elastic threads. Upon closer investigation, it turned out to be a pair of fishnet tights that went with a Halloween costume from two, maybe three years ago that you thought you had thrown away. You smiled at them as they dangled from your fingers. You closed your eyes and recalled the night you wore them... you were dressed as a butterfly and one of the new secretary staff hit on you without knowing Mycroft was your boyfriend. That night was... interesting... lets just say the guy ended up in A&E with a broken nose which may or may not have been Mycroft's doing... You gave a breathy laugh to yourself as you slipped them on under your pencil skirt. They felt exactly as you rememberd them.

After another hour or so of putting clothes into bags for donation, you went into the living room to settle down with a book and a cup of hot chocolate. You reclined on the soft armchair which sat near the window and put your legs up on the coffee table as you let out a happy sigh. Mycroft had been tapping away on his  work laptop for the whole time you were reading until he happened to look up. The noise of him typing immediately stopped.

You noticed that the background ambiance had fallen silent and you looked up from your book to see what was going on. Mycroft was staring at your legs with a finger curled across his lips and his chin resting on his thumb as if in some deep state of thought.

"Mycroft, you ok there?" You asked, putting your book down and letting it rest against your chest. He stayed silent. "Mycroft?" You tried again, slightly louder this time causing him to let out a vocalised signal that he could hear you.

"Mhm...?" He murmured, not taking his eyes off your legs.

"Mycroft!" You snapped playfully, causing him to inhale sharply and sit upright in his seat as if he had been pulled suddenly back into reality.

"Are you ok over there?" You giggled as he blushed a pinkish colour right across his cheeks and nose. He straightened his collar regally and raised his eyebrows before speaking:

"Im afraid I may have to stop my work for tonight... there has been an unforseen distraction that demands my attention..." he smirked as he closed the lid of his laptop slowly.

"Would you stand up for me dear?...." he said, in his professional office voice which made you a bit warm and fuzzy inside.

"Why of course sir" you dipped your head slightly as if bowing and then uncrossed your legs, dropped your book to the floor and stood up, placing your hands on your hips and grinning.

Mycroft walked over to you and placed his hands on your waist, pulling you closer, so that your stomach pressed against his hips. He traced his finger down your jawline and stopped when he got to your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze.

"Why do you have to do this to me precious?... how am I meant to get any work done in this house when you look so damn good in everything?..."

You grinned again and grabbed his tie. Slowly, you tugged on it until has face was mere centimetres away from yours. You let your lips part slightly, breathing warm breath against his neck before whispering "I suppose you'll have to learn a bit of self-control then Mr Holmes...". You bit your lip and scrunched your nose up sassily before turning and leaving his grasp. As you leaned over to pick uour book back up however, Mycroft grabbed your waist with both arms and pulled you back, spinning you round and holding your like a dancer at the end of a passionate Salsa. You sqealed girlishly as he caught you and giggled with excitement.

"Never..." he smirked, kissing you on the lips comfortingly and holding you tight.

Maybe you should bring out the fishnets more often...

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