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Thanks to Oniisama’s miracle hands, the Bea-tan doll was somehow finished before the School Festival. That was horrible…

Trying to create long hair for her was already harder than expected, but trying to create the same perfect curls just made it worse.

Originally I was going to use wool that was curled to begin with but it turned out to be a little off compared to the real Bea-tan.

As it turns out the reason was that it was all one colour. I ended up buying curled brown wool in every shade I could find, and after a lot of trial and error I managed to mix together a shade that looked right. You did it, Reika…

Thanks to that adventure my room was filled with brown wool right now. Maybe I could make some animals with it after the School Festival was over. Probably not soon though. I wasn’t sure I wanted to jump right back into needle felting again…

The wedding dress that was the crystallisation of our club’s effort and passion stood in the centre of our exhibition room, while our personal projects lined the walls. It was amazing what my club members have come up with on their own.

Of particular note was Minami-kun. Despite all the time he spent doing the silver embroidery on the club wedding dress, he still managed to submit an amazing tapestry of the madonna and child.

In comparison the Club President had hardly contributed to the wedding dress at all… At best I helped out with some of the bouquets. Sorry for being useless.

Still, my life-sized Beatrice doll was cute and had a nice realism to it, so I don’t think I shamed my club. Oniisama, Sasajima-san, everybody who helped me at the club, thank you.

Unlike some other attractions, the Handicraft Club’s exhibition was free to enter and leave. Thanks to that we didn’t need much manpower outside of a small rotating staff of guides.

Since they didn’t really need me here, I was going to use my effort on my class’ attraction instead.

Chinese Tea Café, Xu Fu.

The setting of our café was that we were the disciples of the Court Magician Xu Fu, who came to Japan with him in the Qin dynasty. That’s why we were advertising our teas as elixirs of immortality. It felt like a bit of a scam.

We had quite a few types of with us; normal stuff like oolong, jasmine or pu er, as well as some more exotic types like flower teas and flowering teas. The flowering tea had been quite popular with the girls in my class so we were hoping it would be popular with the customers too.

For snacks to go with it we were selling annin tofu, mango pudding, black sesame pudding, and various types of moon cakes among other things.

We bought them all, obviously, so the taste was guaranteed. I had made sure to taste test each one myself. They were yummy.

The shop itself was decorated with a chinoiserie theme, served by boys in changpao, and girls in pants and cheongsam. Originally the girls wanted to wear hanfu like celestial maidens but we decided against it because it wasn’t very disciple-ish.

Anyhow, with this, the theme would have been perfect if not for Dite.

Given how he jumped at any opportunity to play his violin, it came as no surprise that he was pushing for a part in the School Festival too.

Reincarnation of Villainess Noble Lady (Ch. 143-299)Where stories live. Discover now