Chapter 14: I can give you everything

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The old lady who runs a company and manages a family, naturally has a strong mentality, whenever she is in charge, she is basically calm, sophisticated, and unfazed. But at this moment, she lost her temper and cried out in surprise in front of the entire company.

An order of Fifty Million Dollar!?

"Grandma, what do you mean by fifty million?" Bill couldn't help but ask as he looked at the old lady with such excitement. The old lady ignored Bill, but raised her eyelids, stared at Jenny, and sternly questioned, "Jenny, you won't deliberately forge a fake contract to fool me right? How could Changsheng Corporation possibly give us an order of fifty million?" After the shock, the old just didn't believe it. This whole thing was so ridiculous, who would believe it.

The others in the meeting room hearing this from the lady also finally understood what the old lady was surprised about. Immediately, all the people of the Xia family said in disbelief, "Jenny must be lying. She is new in the business, how can she get such a big order?"

"Yes, the contract was signed with Changsheng Corporation. Our company is not competitive. Why would they want to do business with us?"

"Jenny is really shameless. She'll do anything just to not get fired."

These voices were extremely sharp. Jenny's face was becoming cold. To finish her task, she went to Changsheng Corporation, and after being mocked, she finally signed a large order with the company. However, these people not only didn't thank her, but they also belittled her, and even her grandma also wouldn't believe her, which really hurt her feelings.

This family was too prejudiced against her. While they were talking, Jenny pulled his voice and said loudly, "The contract has the official seal of Changsheng Corporation on it.

At this moment, Jenny showed her confidence that had never been seen before. "I don't believe you, I'll call the company." Bill was the first to take out his cellphone and dial the number of the Changsheng Corporation.

When the call got through, Bill asked about the order directly. Upon hearing the reply, Bill's face displayed an incredulous expression instantly, his eyes wide and his hands trembling slightly. After he hung up the phone, he slowly put it down and muttered, "The Changsheng Corporation is really working with our company!"

One simple sentence shocked everyone. The large conference room went quiet. Jenny gently raised her eyes and took a glance at these dumbfounded people. The annoyance in her heart finally dissipated and now she was finally a little more relaxed.

At six o'clock in the evening, Mr. Huang had prepared a large table of food and was waiting for Jenny. As soon as Jenny returned, Mrs. Huang reassured her, "Jenny, even if you were fired from the company, you don't have to be discouraged. It's also not hard to get a job with another company in your capacity."

Mrs. Huang knew that her daughter was stressed, and she didn't want to give her too much pressure. In her opinion, it was absolutely impossible to complete the two million orders. 

Jenny shook her head and said seriously, "No, I signed an order for fifty million." Her mother suddenly opened her mouth wide. The sum of fifty million stunned her, she couldn't believe it and asked, "It can't be? Why don't you look happy then if something lucky happened to you?"

Jenny exhaled and muttered back, "I didn't expect to be so lucky, I just can't believe it." What had happened today was indeed like a dream, and Jenny needed some time to calm her mood.

When Guilan Huang heard this, she hugged Jenny and said excitedly, "My good daughter, you are really wonderful, I love you so much!" She was so excited that she was about to cry. Jenny saw her mother being really happy, and a smile appeared on her face too.

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