You/Sara Lance/ Ava Sharpe - Soulmates Part 1

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Ava and Sara could tell that there was something missing between the two of them

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Ava and Sara could tell that there was something missing between the two of them. It wasn't that they didn't love each other it was just that they both didn't feel complete. They had talked about it in great detail about what it could be but neither of them could figure out. The two of them were each other's soulmate by the mark they had in their wrist and therefore that meant that their heart was complete. But that wasn't the case, it felt like rather than being in two, their heart had been split in three. It didn't make sense, the two of them had tattoos that represented the other so there was no way of knowing who this third person could be.


"Ava, watch out!"

Ava turns around in time to grip the man's arm and twist it around his back to break it before he has a chance to hurt her. They were both currently in the present on a mission to figure out who has been tracking down the time courier's that the Time Bureau had left behind for agents to use in case of an emergency.

"Come on! I think that's the last of them. She just ahead!"

Sara runs through the door that you had gone through when you realized that they had managed to track you down. All the time couriers that you had managed to track down had been drained with no way of being able to charge them. You knew it was a risk to track more down but you couldn't wait months or even years to reverse engineer the watch to be able to create a charger.

Sara and Ava smile when they have you cornered. You look around, hoping to find a quick exit but there's nothing.

"Just give us the couriers, you don't know the consequences that will come from using them."

"You really think that I give a shit about consequences. I want my mother back and I don't care for the consequences that come with it. I failed her. I need to go back and save her."

"(y/n), trust us. We had a close friend of ours bring his mother back and that caused a ripple in time. It changed everything he knew."

While Sara distracted you, Ava took the opportunity to knock you out with a quick blow to your head.

"Let's take her back to the ship. It doesn't feel right leaving her here."

Ava doesn't argue with Sara as she carries you outside of the building and inside the waiting ship that they had signaled. There was something about you but they just couldn't quite place it.


Sara stepped back as if she had been burned by your arm when she took notice of your marks. They were the exact same ones that the two of them had each other. Rather than just having one, you had the two of them.

"This can't be. Gideon, is that her mark?"

"It is Captain Lance. I've scanned through the timeline and there have been cases like this. It's not quite common but it does happen. About .1% of the population has three soulmates rather than 2."

"Thank you, Gideon."

Sara turned to face Ava, finding that she had been staring at your mark since she had uncovered it.

"Is she the reason that we haven't felt whole. She's the missing piece?"

"She is."

The two of them are interrupted when you start to wake up. Gideon had meant to keep you asleep but considering that Sara hadn't connected the IV, you had woken up. Thankfully, Gideon had restrained you against the chair. You open your eyes to find the two women that had been tracking you down around the world, they can't seem to stop looking at you and then back at your mark. That's when you realize that it was left uncovered. You start struggling against the restraints, trying to break free to be able to cover the mark again. No one was supposed to see it.

"Let me go! You have no right to restrain me!"

"We have every right. You were stealing time couriers that are meant to be used for official use."

You clenched your jaw in anger but didn't say anything else about that.

"At least lower my sleeve. I've had enough of people calling me a freak."

"(y/n), you're not a...."

"Save it. I've heard it enough times that nothing will change my mind. I've tried to get it erased but it just comes back. It just serves as a reminder that I'm an outcast." You scoff and shake your head. Why were you even talking to them? "Knock me out and send me to prison."

Sara and Ava look at each other, trying to figure out what to do. You harbored so much hate for your soulmates that they knew you would reject them as soon as they told you who they were. That just left one thing. Sara quietly connected the IV to your arm and soon enough, you've knocked out.


The next time you wake up, you're laying down in the middle of a literal cage. There's hushed whispers at the front of said cage but you pay them no attention as you wait until you're fully awake before you stand.

"What am I still doing here? I thought you would send me to jail already."

The two of them turned to face you, their expressions changing into mild amusement at your tone.

"We can't necessarily ship off our soulmate to prison. We just found you, we can't lose you."

Ava and Sara had been arguing what the best way would be to tell you. Sara kept insisting to just rip it off like a bandaid and Ava wanted to ease it in. Guess they were going to do it Sara's way.

"What do you mean soulmate? What the hell are you talking about?"

Sara and Ava both lifted their sleeves to show you their respective marks that matched the ones that were on your wrist. At the sight of them, you fainted.

"Is that a good or bad thing?"


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Georgina Hobart - ??

Jennifer J - Busy Part 2

Lena Luthor/Sam Arias - Tri

Lena Luthor - Time Travel

Daenerys Targaryen - Guard Part 3

Andrea Rojas - Three

Cate Blanchett - Jealous

Alex Danvers - Hired Part 2

Lena Luthor - Werewolf Part 3

Katie McGrath - Con

Jean Grey - Pregnant Part 2

Lena Luthor - SleepTalking Part 2

Lena Luthor - Lord

Dianna Agron -

Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer - Experiment

Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor - Tease


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now